English Name: Brain-Brain Fruit Meaning: Brain Type: Paramecia "Stella" redirects here. For the One Piece Film: Gold character, see Stella (Non-Canon).Dr. Vegapunk was the leading scientist of the SSG in the employment of the Marines. His work included discovering the secrets and uses of...
Official English Name: Hana-Hana Fruit (4Kids);Flower-Flower Fruit (VIZ, Funimation)Meaning: Flower; Bloom Fruit Debut: One Piece Magazine Vol.6 Usage Debut:Chapter 114; Episode 67[1]Type: Paramecia Current User: Nico Robin The Hana Hana no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows...
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The back of a piece of paper is the side which has no writing on, or the side which you look at second. Sign on the back of the prescription form. Note that in British English you do not talk about the 'back side' of a door or piece of paper. However, in American English, this...
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China's National Tourism Day falls on May 19 every year starting the year of 2011. The date was chosen to commemorate the day when China's ancient travel book writer Xu Xiake (1587-1641) began writing his masterpiece "Travel Notes of Xu Xiake". Special friendship cuts across species China...
I never really have a suitable name for this piece. Original name was "Crystalite", but since I'm gonna use this somewhere in my project, I guess this name suit one better A-Moonless-Night WINTER IS COMING Joined Mar 17, 2012 Messages 696 Reaction score 457 First Language ...
remaining buttons. Perfect spacing, no math required method: cut a pieceof no-stretch string about one-inch shorter than the length of the button band (up to two inches shorter for large buttons; down to ½ inch for tiny buttons). Fold the string into sections–one fewer than the ...
Frontman Robert Smith shared in a press release that "Alone" was the track that "unlocked" the new album. "As soon as we had that piece of music recorded I knew it was the opening song, and I felt the whole album come into focus," he noted. The album, in progress since 2019, inc...