“One Piece”, the live-action adaptation of the hit manga by Eiichirou Oda, is about the Straw Hat Pirates, consisting of captain Monkey D. Luffy, swordsman Roronoa Zoro, thief Nami, the ship’s cook Sanji and the deceiver Lysop. Together, the motley crew goes on a dangerous adventure...
Rudd is a massive fan of the One Piece anime and has dreamt of playing Nami in live-action. She’s has previously worked on theAmazon Primeseries Hunters, in which she played Clara, and was in theFear Streettrilogy, some of thebest horror moviesfrom Netflix. Mackenyu Arata as Roronoa Zo...
Even the opening scene of the live-action show features a number of changes from its source material, including Garp being the one to conduct Gold Roger's execution and Shanks, Mihawk and Smoker all being in attendance of it. Nami herself is similarly introduced earlier in the show than in...
Monkey D. Luffy, Roronora Zoro , Nami (One Piece) , Nico Robin , Usopp (One Piece) , Vinsmoke Sanji , Tony Tony Chopper , Franky (One Piece) , Jimbei (One Piece) latest One Piece's Creator Breaks Down the Inspiration Behind Luffy: "He Does Whatever He Wants" ...
– Nami In one of the most intense scenes in the entire live-action show, Nami learns the truth about the Arlong pirates. She begins stabbing at the tattoo on her arm. Her guttural cries are powerful. More importantly, though, it’s the scene where Luffy promises to do anything and ...
The live-action One Piece Netflix series finally has a release window, as the service has confirmed it's coming this year while sharing a new poster Charlotte Colombo Published:Jan 30, 2023 One Piece As one of the bestanime seriesof all time, all eyes are on Netflix as thestreaming serv...
One Piece star Emily Rudd recounts how she landed her dream role as Nami in the upcoming Netflix series.Netflix Summary Emily Rudd's unwavering dedication and long-term ambition have led to her dream role as Nami in Netflix's live-action One Piece series. Her love for One Piece began...
TOKYO (AP) — Hit Japanese manga “One Piece” is coming to Netflix as a live-action series — a development that's both exciting and worrisome for fans who have seen mixed success in a growing list of Hollywood adaptations.
Live-Action Portrayal: Emily Rudd; Lily Fisher (young); Sophie Ellenbogen (toddler) For the chapter of the same name, seeChapter 8. "Cat Burglar" Nami[12]is thenavigatorof theStraw Hat Piratesand one of the SeniorOfficersof theStraw Hat Grand Fleet.[4]She is the third member of the cr...
Luffy always dreamed of becoming the next Pirate King and finding the One Piece. With special powers from the Devil Fruit“GumGum”, he now has to find a crew and a ship … no sooner said than done! Together with the strong swordsman Zoro, the fibster Usopp, pretty Nami, master chef ...