One Pieceis a fantastical manga series about magical pirates who are seeking a treasure while trying to avoid the oppressive world government. The series centers on a goofy young boy, Monkey D. Luffy, played by Actor Inaki Godoy, who thanks to eating a “Devil Fruit” has the ability to s...
↑ Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary(Card #0833), Information about Viola is revealed. ↑SBSOne PieceManga —Vol. 75(p. 162), Viola's age is revealed. ↑SBSOne PieceManga —Vol. 81(p. 100), Viola's birthday is revealed. ...
Similar Author's Notes can also be found on "unofficial" volumes, such asthe databooks(where they are provided from theStraw Hat Pirates' in-universe perspective). As manga is not sold with dust-jackets in the United States, theVizlocalization of the volumes places the Author's Notes on t...
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