Trivia In the One Piece Vivre Card Visual Dictionary it is wrongly translated to English as How to Laugh. Site Navigation New images Join theDiscussion! Discussions
海贼王杂志第19期松弛ONE PIECE特辑~Laugh&Moff中将收录的14组致敬漫画的漫画家名单公布(附代表作)! 2024年12月4日发售,售价1650日元(含税)。共220页,是历史上最厚一册!阿贺泽红茶《正相反的你与我》大...
全解开了终于知道了o..全解开了终于知道了one piece的秘密!为什么给拉夫德鲁的名字 laugh tale=笑话!罗杰为什么震惊到笑了!为什么有一百年的空白!为什么罗杰想去找乔伊!因为!!!海贼王哥尔D罗杰终于在最终之
海贼王19期特集:Laugh&Moff,揭开ONE PIECE的新篇章! 在每一位海贼迷心中,《海贼王》不仅仅是一部动漫,它更是一种情感、一段冒险和一片梦想的共鸣。随着最新一期杂志第19期的发布,《松弛ONE PIECE特集~Laugh&Moff~》引发了海迷们的热烈讨论。你是否也在期待这本220页的巨作带来的全新体验? 本期特集的主题围绕...
one piece ..自己记录下大神分析贴
Like many other people, he has a unique laughter style: "Faffaffaffa" (ファッファッファッファ?).[3] According to Kid, Killer hates his own laugh to the point of stopping himself from doing so ever since. Moreover, he also hates people laughing at his laugh and is willing to kill...
Leave a lasting mark on your beloved’s heart with these playful and flirty quotes. Don’t hesitate to add a personal flair to make the conversation intriguing.
而one piece又在拉夫德鲁,既然白星公主是one piece,白星在鱼人岛,那拉夫德鲁不就很清楚了吗?就是鱼人岛!拉夫德鲁路飞早就去过了,one piece路飞也早就见过了,而路飞却一直苦苦寻找,这不就是一个笑话(laugh tale)吗?归根结底,之前路飞去鱼人岛见到白星没用是因为时机不成熟,没有到约定之日,白星的力量没有完...
In a post-credits scene, it is revealed that Roger had disapproved of his subordinate making an Eternal Pose to Laugh Tale and threw it into the ocean, saying that the One Piece could not be obtained by someone who used it. In the present, the Straw Hats find out what the treasure is...
one piece: 整体的,四海归一,没有阶级,一个没有王和天龙人的世代,鱼人和岸上人生活在一起终岛拉福德鲁:laugh tale,笑话。大密宝必然没人相信是物理的金银财宝,肯定是某种精神/风景/概念其余线索:圣地玛丽亚的巨大草帽,光月时夫人的时间果实,路飞和鱼人公主的约定以及海底的远古谢罪文,海王类的对话等等总结:路飞...