The crew also seemed to excel in teamwork, as when Baby 5 and Buffalo fought General Franky, their teamwork was near-flawless, and they demonstrated great skill in using each other's powers in combat. The crew also once consisted of Trafalgar Law, a powerful pirate rookie who would go on...
Before his death, Roger hid the One Piece in an unknown location—popularly believed to be Laugh Tale, the final island of the Grand Line. The frenzy over discovering and owning such an immense treasure sparked the "Great Age of Pirates." The title of Pirate King will be given to the ne...
One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum One Piece: Burning Blood Trivia Trébol is the Spanish word for "clover". This matches the card suit motif of Doflamingo's elite officers, as the clubs suit is called tréboles ("clovers") in Spanish. The fact that Vergo and Donquixote Rosinante were bot...
One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X One Py Berry Match One Piece Treasure Cruise One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 One Piece: Burning Blood One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum One Piece Thousand Storm One Piece Bounty Rush One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 One Piece Bon! Bon! Journey!!Enemy...
This table has all the One Piece Filler Episode List and the One Piece Canon Episode. You can quickly identify the fillers with Red color while canon with black ones. Advertisements Search: S.NoTitleType 1 I’m Luffy! The Man Who Will Become the Pirate King! Canon 2 The Great Swordsm...
3DS《海贼王大海贼斗技场体验版》日版日文CIA下载《海贼王:大海贼斗技场》制作的一款《海贼王》为题材的2D格斗游戏,主人公路飞将同其他角色对抗,成为格斗王的男人。试玩视频游戏原名:One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum Demo游戏名称:海贼王 大海贼斗技场 体验版...
《海贼王:大海贼斗技场(One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum)》公布 超爽格斗新作 根据杂志情报,Bandai Namco将打造《海贼王》新作《海贼王:大海贼斗技场》,类型为2D格斗动作游戏。 据悉,主模式为2D格斗,但还将包括一个环游模式,用户可航行世界各地招募海盗团队,对抗竞争者增益赏金,成为海贼圈的格斗王,另外游戏还...
Monkī), also known as "Straw Hat" Luffy (麦わらのルフィ, Mugiwara no Rufi) and commonly as "Straw Hat" (麦わら, Mugiwara), is one of the main protagonists of the manga and anime series, Fairy One Piece Tail. He is the son of the famed pirate Rex D. Monkey, nephew of ...
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After running through the stands of Corrida Colosseum, they reached the top of the old King's Plateau. The dwarves were then reunited with Riku Doldo III and Viola. While Leo and Kabu volunteered to go with Rebecca to find Monkey D. Luffy, the rest of the dwarves decided to go to the...