"the Man Closest to One Piece" (ワンピースに最も近い男, Wan Pīsu ni mottomo chikai otoko?)[44] Marco: "the Phoenix" (不死鳥マルコ, Fushichō Maruko?)[45] Portgas D. Ace: "Fire Fist" (火拳のエース, Hiken no Ēsu?)[46] Jozu: "Diamond" (ダイヤモンド・ジョズ, Daiya...
胜人者力,胜己者强,乌索普并不是一个强大的人物,他的怯懦对应的正是他的骄傲,他每一次战胜自己,都会进一步接近他的目标,成为一个勇敢的海上战士。ps:在最初路飞和索隆的通缉令上分别有乌索普的后脑勺和鼻子出现。你还可以阅读:One Piece 01:“草帽”路飞的信念 One Piece 02:“海贼猎人”罗罗亚的誓约 ...
不过在经历了德岛篇后“草帽”一伙的赏金发生了巨大的变化,乌索普也从“狙击王”乌索普变成了悬赏金2w的“God”神之乌索普,是海贼团里悬赏金仅次于路飞和索隆的船员。 这一切都源于乌索普见闻色霸气的觉醒并借此击败了最为关键的人物砂糖,从而被多弗朗明哥悬赏5亿,是德岛解放最关键的人物,为此,乌索普成为了被小人族纪...
One Piece: Oda Just Introduced A Mystery Even Bigger Than The Void Century Anime A mystery bigger than the Void Century exist in the One Piece world. Oda just revealed in the newest chapter. 1 ByRei Penber 2 days ago One Piece: How Sanji's Dream Could Be Connected To Sun God Nika ...
One Piece is a popular anime series that has been running since 1997. It has had many One Piece filler episodes, which have been used to extend the show for various reasons.
文档标签: 海贼王每集名字One Piece every set of names 海贼王每集名字(OnePieceeverysetofnames) V263-3733-4HD4-VLAC-339C-YC57001,I'mluffy!Tobethemanof OnePiece! 002swordsmenappear!RonoyaZorothepirateHunter 003MonteCarloVSroadtofly!Whoisthemysteriousbeauty girl? The004wayofflyingpast!RedBulldebut...
↑One PieceManga and Anime —Vol. 72Chapter 713andEpisode 643,Fujitorareviews the arrest status ofCaesar Clown(still acknowledged asDonquixote Doflamingo's employee) andTrafalgar Law. ↑One PieceManga and Anime —Vol. 51Chapter 497andEpisode 391,Hatchannotes thatDevil Dias—discarded and killed by...
One Piece is the story of Monkey D. Luffy who became a rubber man after accidently eating a Devil Fruit. In his quest, Luffy builds his crew and continues on his adventure to find the mysterious treasure One Piece.
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One Pieceis currently on a brief hiatus. This might be for the best—not just for the author, Oda, but for us readers. Maybe we need this breather before things get even more unpredictable. The author ofOne Piece, Oda Eiichiro, oncestatedthat he always wanted to make amanga series where...