The upcoming live-action “One Piece” series at Netflix has cast Peter Gadiot in the role of Shanks.Gadiot joins previously announced cast members: Iñaki Godoy as Monkey D Luffy, Mackenyu as Rorona Zoro, Emily Rudd as Nami, Jacob Romero Gibson as Usopp, Taz Skylar as Sanji, Morgan Davi...
“One Piece”, the live-action adaptation of the hit manga by Eiichirou Oda, is about the Straw Hat Pirates, consisting of captain Monkey D. Luffy, swordsman Roronoa Zoro, thief Nami, the ship’s cook Sanji and the deceiver Lysop. Together, the motley crew goes on a dangerous adventure...
Live Action "One Piece" (Podcast Episode 2023) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
One Piece's live-action stars Iñaki Godoy and Jacob Romero Gibson perform an iconic scene with the anime's voice actors in an emotional video.
One Piece - Netflix Live Action Podcast Episode 2023 54m YOUR RATING Rate Add a plot 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to WatchlistPhotos + Add photoStoryline EditUser reviews Be the first to review Details Edit Release date September 12, 2023 (United Kingdom) See more company credits at IMDbPr...
Disney's 'live-action' adaptations, ranked — and where to watch them This live-action version of the 'Family Guy' opening goes all out A Brooklyn rave is about peace, love, unity, respect — and 'Sailor Moon' One Piecearrives Aug. 31 on Netflix. ...
One Piece: Zoro’s Missing Eye isn’t Surprising When You Realize Mihawk’s True Endgame for His Best Pupil 12/2/2024 by Diganta Mondal FandomWire One Piece: Loki Isn’t the True Villain as Fans Realize Kaido Foreshadowed ‘Ragnarok’ in His Ultimate Attack ...
The live-action One Piece Netflix series finally has a release window, as the service has confirmed it's coming this year while sharing a new poster
s One Piece live-action series has been an instant hit and a roaring success throughout the world. One of the key reasons behind its success are the incredible details in the breathtaking One Piece world in the live-action adaptation. The team behind this live-action show paid a lot of ...
The live-action adaptation of One Piece on Netflix will showcase the character Chef Zeff, played by Craig Fairbrass, and he embodies the essence of the character with his iconic hat and braided mustache. Chef Zeff is a pivotal character in the narrative, as he serves as the heart and soul...