剧场版《ONE PIECE STAMPEDE》发布最新预告片 摘要:6月27日,根据尾田荣一郎漫画改编的超人气动画《ONE PIECE(海贼王)》最新剧场版《ONE PIECE STAMPEDE》(导演:大冢隆史,上映时间:8月9日)发布了最新预告片。 6月27日,根据尾田荣一郎漫画改编的超人气动画《ONE PIECE(海贼王)》最新剧场版《ONE PIECE STAMPEDE》(...
The connecting device has at least one connecting piece (1) and at least two connectors (2). One of the line sectors is connected to a connector and the connectors are joined to at least one connecting piece so that the fluid flows through at least one connecting piece and at least two...
An envelope consists of an enveloping piece with a viewing window for the address and a removable recorded delivery slip on the front-face of the envelope in addition to the viewing window (1) is a first field (2) with a perforatable layer provided on the inner face of the envelopment pi...
ONE PIECE航海王 漫画简介: 漫画简介:作品连载于周刊杂志《周刊少年JUMP》,与日本同步更新,每周周一更新。 [简介]有一个梦想成为海盗的少年叫路飞,他因误食“恶魔果实”而成为了橡皮人,在获得超人能力的同时付出了一辈子无法游泳的代价。十年后,路飞为实现与因救他而断臂的杰克斯的约定而出海,开始了以成为海盗王为...
The tool includes one blade set (2) for surface-milling a planar front face (10) of the metal test piece (12) by transverse displacement, and a second blade set (18) for conical chamfering of an edge (11) of the metal test piece by axial displacement, arranged radial within the first...