Overlap of pY1H interactions with existing literature was determined using the CytReg2.0 database26. If CytReg2.0 reported at least one piece of evidence for binding of a TF to a cytokine promoter or regulation of the cytokine by the TF, then the TF-cytokine interaction was considered to be...
Available online: https://www.who.int/tdr/research/gender/Women_overview_piece.pdf?ua=1 (accessed on 30 September 2021). Horton, R.; Lo, S. Planetary health: A new science for exceptional action. Lancet 2015, 386, 1921–1922, Erratum in 2015, 386, 1944. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]...
Due to its nature as a medical centre, each piece of equipment has a current mandatory technical passport that is renewed once a year. Each patient is guided by the same therapist throughout the entire treatment process, and the same person operates the rehabilitation equipment. 2.5. Statistics...
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