The official site for the popular trading card game based on anime and manga series ONE PIECE. Find the latest news, products, events, rules, and videos for the game.
ONE PIECE的卡牌遊戲登場!「草帽一行人」「最可怕世代」「王下七武海」「百獸海賊團」等角色在卡牌中登場。通過獨創的戰術、卡牌組合來感受ONE PIECE。
Advanced Card Search Deck Builder Tournament Platform Top Decks (OP09) 1. Blue Doflamingo 32.38% Featured Decklist 1st Place Championship Finals Melbourne - Jasper Zowiesyah 2. Black/Yellow Luffy 17.50% Featured Decklist 11th Place Championship Finals Melbourne - Elliot Charters ...
Verdict: The bestOne Piece Card Gamedeck to buy right now. Luffy’s Yellow/Black Leader card is one of the very strongest builds in theTwo Legendsmetagame and many of the cards used in that strategy are in this box. With just a few additions—eight-cost Gecko Moria and blocker Sabo ...
One Piece is the story of Monkey D. Luffy who became a rubber man after accidently eating a Devil Fruit. In his quest, Luffy builds his crew and continues on his adventure to find the mysterious treasure One Piece.
New ONE PIECE CARD GAME setting sail for a simultaneous worldwide release! Various characters will be available as cards each 「Straw Hat Crew」「Worst Generation」「Warlord of the Sea」「Animal Kingdom Pirates」. Explore and discover ONE PIECE with your
Luffy’s first Leader card in the list stands amongthe rest of theOne PieceLeadersas the format’s best combo captain. This Yellow/Black Leader wants to collect its puzzle pieces like staple five-cost blocker Sabo and the “kid” versions of the Three Brothers—Luffy, Ace, and Sabo...
229 0 00:56 App 海贼王ONE PIECE CARD THE BEST【PRB-01】宣传PV 946 0 00:21 App 三国卡组 1.2万 4 08:48 App 数码宝贝 官方卡盒 1.9万 291 06:25 App 年轻人第一次开30包 852 0 02:22 App 宝可梦 sv5a 发售3日后价格表 3126 0 01:55 App 宝可梦 sv4a, 发售第二日价格前30名 ...
One Piece is a popular anime series that has been running since 1997. It has had many One Piece filler episodes, which have been used to extend the show for various reasons.
That’s as much as we have on the One Piece TCG ban list for 2024. As the year continues, expect more and more cards to see bans, and expect some to be removed from the list too. It’s unlikely we’ll ever see that Sakazuki card removed from thebanlist, unless some seriously beef...