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So, embark on a journey with this One Piece Collection Cards Booster Box and let the adventure begin. FAQ Q: The product has missing or broken part when you receive? A: Please let us know which is missing, we will arrange resendQ: What can I do when purchase protection time is ...
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VIVRECARD~ONE PIECE图鉴~最新的BOOSTER PACK已经发售啦!以和之国新将军桃之助为封面的「跃进!新时代的开拓者们!!」不仅收录了大和为首的各种和之国角色,还包括与路飞并肩作战的“最恶世代”中的罗和基德的卡片。此外,还收录了在“世界会议”中卷入大事件的薇薇和瓦波尔!
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