Bon Kurei’s Hard-Hitting Ballet Kenpo Canon 117 Nami’s Whirlwind Warning! Clima-Tact Explosion Canon 118 Secret of the Royal Family! The Ancient Weapon, Pluton Canon 119 Essence of a Mighty Sword! The Power to Cut Steel and the Breath of All Things Canon 120 he Battle is Over! Kohza...
Bentham(Mr.2·Bon·Kurei)“只有贯彻“人妖之道”,才算真正的人·妖啊”初:漫画第17卷 第154话名:“荒野本萨姆”实:模仿果实霸:属:原巴洛克工作室高级特务【新人妖乐园/新女王原巴洛克工作室/高级特务】【Profile】性别:新人妖所属船只:快速天鹅号生日:8月15日年龄:32岁身高:238cm星座:狮子座血型:F型出身...
↑ SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 48, Mr. 2's name explained. ↑ Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 18 Chapter 156 and Episode 92, Mr. 2 briefly meets Luffy. ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 23 Chapter 215 and Episode 129, Bon Kurei sacrifices himself fo...
2 Bon Kurei, who easily defeated them and assumed Usopp's appearance, stealing Usopp's sniper goggles in the process. After Mr. 2 left to go after Vivi, Sanji caught up and Usopp explained the situation before leaving to back up Chopper. The battle of Usopp and Chopper against the Mr. ...
Fake Arabasta Soldiers Mr. 2 Bon Kurei Tashigi Crocodile Rob Lucci Kaku Colossus Pirates Other Strategy Guides One Piece Odyssey Strategy Guides Getting Started ▼All One Piece Odyssey Beginner Guides Useful Guides ▼All One Piece Odyssey Useful Guides...
Nami's disguise in One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack. Nami's outfit in Dream Soccer King. Nami's Outfit during Open Upon the Great Sea! A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream!. Nami's first outfit in Protect! The Last Great Performance. Nami's second outfit in Protect! The La...
2 Bon Kurei and Mr. 3 are captured by Hina. ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 50 Chapter 489 (p. 17-19) and Episode 381, Lola gives Nami a part of her mom's vivre card. ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 50 Chapter 490 (p. 5-6) and Episode 381, Luffy decides not...
先生.2苯教 KUREI 边沁01(Mr.2BonKureiBentham01),先生.2苯教 KUREI 边沁02(Mr.2BonKureiBentham02),先生.2苯教 KUREI 边沁03(Mr.2BonKureiBentham03),先生.2苯教 KUREI 边沁04(Mr.2BonKureiBentham04),先生.2苯教 KUREI 边沁05(Mr.2BonKureiBentha
英文譯名 Crocus Laboon Nefertari Vivi Igaram Carue Burogy Dorey Sir. Crocodile Bon Kurei Chess Kuromarimo Wapol Dolton Dr.Kureha Dr.Hiluluk Nefertari Cobra 初次登場 第 102 話第 102 話第 103 話第 106 話第 109 話第 116 話第 116 話 飛毛腿(跑得快) 黑鸭 布洛基 多利/東利* 沙· ...
Bentham(Mr.2·Bon·Kurei) “只有贯彻“人妖之道”,才算真正的人·妖啊” 初:漫画第17卷 第154话 名:“荒野本萨姆” 实:模仿果实 霸: 属:原巴洛克工作室高级特务 【新人妖乐园/新女王 原巴洛克工作室/高级特务】 【Profile】 性别:新人妖 所属船只:快速天鹅号 ...