有句玩笑话说:“红发是唯一一个会游泳的能力者,因为大海也要给红发面子。” 关于《ONE PIECE》里身份地位超然的红发香克斯,到后期最被大家津津乐道的是他的“面子果实”,戏谑归戏谑,很多人还是会奇怪为什么他能在海贼世界里有如此大的面子。 本文就迄今为止正篇里出现过的情节提出一个设想,当然不一定准确,但也算...
【凯多&BIG MOM参战《ONE PIECE 海贼无双4》】万代南梦宫今天发布了《海贼无双4》的全新预告片,凯多和BIG MOM将作为可控角色参战。他俩都是原作中“四皇”成员,BIG MOM原名夏洛特·玲玲可利用魂魂果实操纵天气和自然现象;凯多能够化身成传说中的龙将敌人一扫而空。详情:O《ONE PIECE 海贼无双4》:凯多&BIG MOM参战...
7.Big Mom的孩子们喜欢吃的食物都很有各自岛屿的特色。8.卡彭·贝茨的年纪确定为1岁,因此贝基应当是在顶上战争的同一年即加入了大妈海贼团并与戚风结婚。9.摩根斯的恶魔果实能力是鸟鸟果实信天翁型,而在他的“属”的部分亦没有特别说明,这大概表示摩根斯只是一个喜欢以人兽型态出现在人前的、吃了动物系果实的...
The Big Mom Pirates[1] are an extremely infamous and powerful pirate crew led by their captain, Charlotte Linlin, better known as "Big Mom", formerly one of the Four Emperors. They are in control of the powerful nation of Totto Land, with their captain r
this model is a one piece special big mom!!! “Damn it! This is all your fault… are you listening to me Roger?! Why did you have to go and say all that?! The whole world bought it!! ‘The Great Pirate Era’?! Your time was up so it didn’t affect you!! All those brats...
↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 835 (p. 16) and Episode 796, Pound speaks of his past to Luffy and Nami. ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 836 (p. 10) and Episode 797, Cracker revealed the relationship between Big Mom and her ex-husbands. ↑ One...
语言/字幕:汉语 更新时间:20230703 简介:速看海贼王1067 四皇BIG MOM陨落 质问罗杰 真的有ONE PIECE吗动漫完整版免费在线观看,剧情简介:速看海贼王1067 四皇BIG MOM陨落 质问罗杰 真的有ONE PIECE吗 航海王 草帽路飞伟大冒险 名侦探柯南 普通话 真相只有一个 ...
One Piece (1999) Pam Dougherty Charlotte Linlin 'Big Mom' (voice) (version: English) The Old Man & the Gun (2018) Marisa Duran Young Boy / Additional Voices (voice) (version: English) Horimiya (2021) J.B. Edwards Additional Voices (voice) (version: English) Evelyn & Elmer (...
One Piece: What Would Happen If A Human Ate Chopper’s Devil Fruit? Anime What would happen in One Piece if a human ate the Human-Human Fruit? ByRyan Clouse 22 hours ago One Piece: Oda Reveals How Kid Stole Big Mom's Poneglyph In SBS Vol. 111 ...
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