One Piece follows the story of Monkey D. Luffy, the protagonist of the series. As a child, Luffy ate a devil fruit unintentionally and his body gained the properties of rubber, essentially turning him into a rubber man. Luffy sets sail and travels the Grand Line along with his pirate crew...
↑ SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 94, Oda confirms the tree on top of Ashura’s head is modelled after the rakugo "Head Mountain".Site NavigationExpand [v· e· ?] Wano CountryExpand [v· e· ?] Kouzuki FamilyExpand [v· e· ?] Bandits...
Going Merry and weapons from bandits. The crew and their allies must go to war against the pirate clan reigning over the Clockwork Island, in order to stop their leader from acquiring a superweapon and forcing their crew mate Nami into marriage. One Piece: Clockwork Island Adventure...
Laotour Bandits[] Ko: "the Landslide" (山津波のコウ, Yamatsunami no Kō?)[256] Otsu: "the Gentle Breeze" (微風のオツ, Soyokaze no Otsu?)[256] Hei: "the Flash Flood" (鉄砲水のヘイ, Teppōmizu no Hei?)[256] Tei: "the Light Snow" (細雪のテイ, Sasameyuki no Tei?)[256] Dra...
Bandits: Criminals that operate exclusively on land instead of sea, supposedly the antitheses of pirates.[48] Underworld: A vast network of criminals, operating primarily in the New World, that facilitates slavery, mercenary and assassin work, illegal arms development, and smuggling—any one of ...
1: One Piece: Defeat the Pirate Ganzack! (OVA 1) One day, when Luffy, Zoro, and Nami were starving on their little boat, they are attacked by a long-neck dragon. The dragon wrecks the boat when Luffy bites into it, then takes Nami back with it. Meanwhile, Luffy and Zoro wash up...
↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 18 Chapter 164 (p. 19) and Episode 105, Koza's outfit is seen.↑ Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 Koza protects Vivi from the bandits.↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 19 Chapter 172 (p. 9), The rebel army is led to battle....
One Piece'sFormula Gets In the Way of What Readers Really Want to See Had this been a story in One Piece, the bandits attacking Asta would have likely been a part of a highly organized criminal syndicate that shares some deep ties to Asta's guides or even Yami himself. That, or Hino...
One Piece's world is one of the largest in anime and manga, and as such the series boasts many compelling people. In a world where pirates are ready to pillage, navy officers are ready to arrest and bandits are always on the prowl for victims, this prompted people to become as strong ...
A One Piece Game will take you on a journey across uncharted waters, brimming with secrets and adventure. Meet a colorful cast of friends and foes, solve tasks to help the locals, or engage bandits in combat. It’s up to you! But what’s a pirate without their bounty? Discover another...