死了= =话说你好专业,都是叫原名的 死了
Due to him being Luffy's arch-nemesis who is responsible for the Summit War at Marineford and the cause of his brother Ace's death, Blackbeard is a mortal enemy of Hancock. He came to Amazon Lily looking for Hancock to kill her and steal her Mero Mero no Mi. Although she was able ...
Of the 144081 characters on Anime Characters Database, 13 are from the movie One Piece The Movie: Dead End Adventure.
故事讲述了想成为海贼王的路飞,误食了海贼香克斯收藏的橡胶恶魔果实,而变成橡胶人,恶魔果实的副作用却使他永远不能游泳。不过他的理想仍然没有改变——成为海贼王,并且找到传说中哥尔·D·罗杰的秘宝-One Piece,冒险就此开始了。 20年前,征服了“伟大航路”,被世人称为“海...
The pair are considered enemies and with Ace's death taken into account, Luffy's hatred for Teach increased immensely. Despite this, Teach still seems to hold a strong respect for Luffy seeing that he is a fellow "dreamer" with an aspiration to find the One Piece and become the Pirate ...
【新品開箱】 Portrait.Of.Pirates《One Piece-航海王》“LIMITED EDITION” 波雅·漢考克 Ver.3D2Y 九蛇海賊團"蛇姬"-波雅·漢考克再次登場! 2014年TV動畫15周年紀念特別劇場版《ONE PIECE “3D2Y” 跨越艾斯之...
One Piece 3D2Y: Overcoming Ace’s Death! Luffy’s Pledge to His Friends Special Aug 30, 2014 One Piece 4D Special Mar 13, 2015 One Piece: Episode of Sabo – Bond of Three Brothers, A Miraculous Reunion and an Inherited Will Special Aug 22, 2015 One Piece: Adventure of Nebulandia Specia...
The subject of this article is also called the Alabasta Arc. The Arabasta Arc is the eleventh story arc of the manga and anime One Piece, and both the fifth and last story arc of the Arabasta Saga. The Straw Hats finally reach the desert kingdom of Araba
Of the 144260 characters on Anime Characters Database, 21 are from the movie One Piece: Episode of Skypiea.
One Piece "3D2Y": Overcome Ace's Death! Luffy's Vow to his Friends (2014) One Piece: Episode of East Blue: Luffy and His Four Crewmates' Great Adventure (2017) Quotes | Add Images Comment Anonymous Jan 1, 2024 SOOO CUTE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACESimilar...