#海贼王[超话]# One Piece第1094话⤷谜团渐深 艾格赫德研究所 咋样?这波我乌索普的上装绿,怎么都好看啊~是吧[哈哈]索隆:你等我回头上装的[嘻嘻][二哈]
In One Piece Film: Z, he was shown wearing a different pinstripe suit, and instead of a collared shirt and tie, had on a viridian green turtleneck. The appearance he had here was also seen on his half-completed wax likeness made by Diego in Episode of Luffy and used for One Piece: ...
In One Piece Film: Gold, however, the completion of a mission is more important to him than the well-being of the Celestial Dragons, as he completely disregarded the safety of Camael and his noble companion and was more than willing to lose them to collateral damage if it meant ...
In chess, each time a player moves a piece is considered a “half-move”. So, in the strictest sense, anywhere we’ve said “move time”, we’ve actually been referring to “half-move times”, and the x-axis on the time plot is given in half-moves. The plot begins with white’...
(strataggs) which operate as analytical units in this paper. All further description and analyses are based on these units. Archaeological materials and samples were assigned find numbers within contexts and piece plotted using a total station resectioned to a local grid. Size cutoffs were >...
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