1) one-parameter exponential family 单参数指数族1. This paper started with the general form of one-parameter exponential family function, and considered the Bayesian Estimation under the entropy loss function by mathematical calculations. Bayes解在不同的损失函数下一般有不同的表现形式,本文根据平方...
Shapiro, C., Wardrop, R.: Bayesian sequential estimation for one parameter exponential families. J. Amer. Statist. Ass. 75, 984-988 (1980a)Shapiro, C.P. and Wardrop, R.L. (1980). Bayesian Sequential Estimation for One-parameter exponential family. Journal of the American Statistical ...
The problem of Bayes sequential estimation of the mean in one-parameter exponential family with LINEX (linear-exponential) loss function and fixed cost for each observation is considered in this article. Given a prior, a family of stopping times is proposed and shown to be asymptotically ...
摘要: In this paper we give the recurring formula on the moment about the origin of the d istribution of some One-Parameter expomential family,an d d isplay some examples. 关键词: Distribution of one-parameter expomential family Moment about the origin Recurring formula 年份: 1998 收藏...
The distribution of the likelihood ratio for mixtures of densities from the one-parameter exponential family. Ann Inst Stat Math. 1994; 46(2):373–88. Article Google Scholar McNicholas PD, Murphy TB, McDaid AF, Frost D. Serial and parallel implementations of model-based clustering via ...
Equation (6) discretized using the one-parameter family of integration formulae can be expressed as $$\begin{aligned} F(u) = \frac{u^{n+1}-u^n}{h} - \left[ (1-\theta ){\dot{u}}^{n+1}+\theta {\dot{u}}^n\right] = 0, \end{aligned}$$ (9) where \(\theta \) valu...
exponentialfamilies,if weconsiderthesequenceGn=(Xn,®E,(P5ne)e6Q)whichηarisesfroma scaletransformationwithrespecttoδη(δη- o) ofa n-thproductexperiment. Theresultscan directlybeappliedtoasymptotictestproblemsfora simplehypothesiswhichbelongsto theboundaryof theparameterspaceΘ of theexponentialfamily...
Parameter name: fileName at S Error when trying to create Controllers, views etc... HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)). Error-There is no build provider registered for the extension '.html' Error, denied access to save xml file on my server. why? Error: IErrorInfo.GetDescription failed ...
exponential familymaximum likelihood estimationThis paper gives closed-form expressions for the second and third order biases of maximum likelihood estimates for a number of distributions in the one-parameter exponential family. Approximations based on asymptotic expansions for some bias-corrections that ...
Admissibility as well as inadmissibility results are given for the case of a one-parameter exponential family. .Especially, a sufficient condition for the admissibility of a rational estimator is derived; and inadmissible estimators for the canonical parameter of i he exponential family are improved ...