Just One Page PDF是一款浏览器扩展,安装后即可使用。点击菜单栏上的图标,会弹出一个菜单,里面有很多个按钮。 Window Size 这个就是生成一页 PDF 文件的,宽度则是按照你当前浏览器窗口大小来设置;Window Size (multiple pages) 则是生成多个页面,也是按照当前浏览器窗口大小,这个就跟浏览器自带打印的效果会不一样...
更简单的PDF扩展名直接调用浏览器的内置打印功能,以直接生成PDF文件,而无需随后的优化处理,并且效果基本上与使用 ctrl+ptrl+p 直接使用用户的效果相同。 高级PDF扩展将将访问的网页地址传输到第三方服务器,然后通过网页地址在服务器上操作并将其保存为PDF。但是,这样,就无法保存一些需要登录身份验证的网页或文章。同...
Just-One-Page-PDF是一款 Chrome 扩展,用来将网页保存为 A4 尺寸的 PDF,可以是完整的一页,也可以是多页。用起来,就像截图一样。@Appinn 来自发现频道,@t35t 同学的推荐:https://meta.appinn.net/t/topic/54447 Just-One-Page-PDF,将网页保存为PDF文件的 Chrome 插件 偶然发现一款 Chrome 插件,可以将网页保...
If you are using a Mac computer, the process for fitting an Excel sheet on one page PDF is similar to that of a PC. However, Mac users may need to adjust the "Scale to Fit" settings slightly differently. To do this, click the "File" tab and select "Print." Click the "Scale" op...
Chrome 扩展:Just-One-Page-PDF Just-One-Page-PDF 是一款 Chrome 扩展,用来将网页保存为 A4 尺寸的 PDF,可以是完整的一页,也可以是多页。 用起来,就像截图一样。 和打印成 PDF 比,用这个插件可以保存...
Step 4. Decide the storage path and customize the file name. Finally, click on the "Save" button to save the pages you need as a PDF on your PC. How to Save One Page of a PDF Mac A well-known truth about MacBook is that Apple offers Mac users an application to directly view/...
Discover how to save one page of a PDF file using these three simple methods. Keep your work moving from anywhere with Adobe Acrobat.
Once the file has uploaded, sign into your account. You will see a thumbnail view of the pages in the document. Select the point at which you wish to insert the new page. Doing this will present you with the option to select the PDF page you wish to add. SelectSaveto keep your ...
Just One Page PDF网页PDF保存插件 v0.6.3 Just One Page PDF网页PDF保存插件 v0.6.3浏览辅助 软件等级: 软件大小:3.4MB 支持语言:简体中文 授权方式:免费版 软件分类:网络软件/浏览辅助 官网链接: 更新时间:2024-03-29 17:12:48 运行环境:WinAll, WinXP, Win7, win10...
Step 1: Search save one page of PDF using SmallPDF on the Google search engine. Step 2: Inside the Smallpdf tool, upload the PDF file by clicking on the CHOOSE FILE option. Step 3: The file uploading will start, and on the next screen, choose the EXTRACT PAGE option and click the ...