一、安装过程: (1)当我们安装到第第三步“Check Requirements.”时跳出该报错 (2)我们仅需要先点击否 然后点击Execute 安装软件会自动弹出需要安装的依赖 (3)同意许可条款,点击安装。 (4)安装Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64完成 (5)前面的小圈圈变成绿色,表示系统依赖检查完毕,可以正常进行下一步的安装。
这是缺失C++ 依赖包 去MS下一个 补丁安装以后再重新执行就好了 Update for Visual C++ 2013 and 解压版可以看这个教程 MySQL5.7.21安装
安装mySql 出现 one more product requirements have not been satisified 原因是缺少一些依赖环境。 在弹出的对话框中点击 否。 然后点击执行,会弹出安装依赖环境组件的窗口,安装即可, 最后继续点击下一步,正常安装即可。
service only安装会比较好,因为只会安装必要的mysql文件,并且也可以正常使用。 如果一开始安装过mysql,可能会出现onemoreproductrequirementshavenot...隔了很久,今天又一次安装mysql,突然发现有点不熟悉了,踩了好多坑终于填好了坑,这里尝试了两种方法进行安装,并且全部安装成功!mysql官网:https://dev.mysql 一、安装方...
今天给新装的系统安装mysql时出现,是因为新系统上缺少一些Mysql的依赖,要看到Status这一行中的Install要有就可以 onemore product requirements havenotbeen satisified 第一,点击no 第二,点击execute,正常会弹出安装插件的窗口(有可能会有多个),安装即可,然后 第三,继续next安装就行了,亲测可用。 __EOF__...
安装mysql的时候提示one more product requirements have not been satisified. Those product。。。 找不到组件,到已安装程序的目录下查找, 1、缺失C++ 依赖包 去MS下一个,地址:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3179560/update-for-visual-c-2013-and-visual-c-redistributable-package; 2、最大可能...
Light and orleans grew from more or two more. And so the human life interest. Truth. The wind of freedom blows. In the nation's service and in the service of all the nations. Mind and hand. Discuss the following questions with your partner. Do you have a school model? If the answer...
When moved to a location with a temperature difference of 20 degrees or more from the previous location, allow the console to come to room temperature before turning it on. The console's operating temperature is +5ºC (+41ºF) to +35ºC (+95ºF). WARNING: Hearing S...
Despite its name, the Single Product template can be used to display two or more products. The name of the template is based on WooCommerce’s Single Product template, which this template builds on. It is not named this way because it is limited to displaying only one product. This templat...
Prep required - One or more of the products in your shipment did not meet the preparation requirements for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). If your product has one or more of the problems below, Amazon will need to prep it so it can be received at the fulfillment center and placed in your...