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今天看完了海贼王真人版One Piece,这部电视剧比预想的要好很多。上线3天,IMDb迅速有37000人投票,打分8.5,这算是热播电视剧的顶流。 我觉得这部剧第一厉害的是编剧,把一部26年一千多集前期的动漫融合到了8集...
to let anyone or anything stand in the way of his quest to become king of all pirates. With a course charted for the treacherous waters of the Grand Line, this is one captain who’ll never drop anchor until he’s claimed the greatest treasure on Earth – the Legendary One Piece!more...
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If there’s anything to take from Netflix streamingOne Piece’s Egghead Island arc, however, it’s that it’s a great sign for future anime licenses. While Netflix has started doing weekly releases in recent years, most of their anime are still subjected to batch releases, but ifthey’re...
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Who is in theOne Piece live-action cast?One Piece, the long-running anime adventure series, has arrived on Netflix, and the streaming service has brought audiences a live-action adaptation of the famous manga series and show. One Piece‘s arrival onNetflixmeans fans of one of thebest anime...
Is One Piece Film Red streaming? Find out where to watch online amongst 200+ services including Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video.
[20] In the VIZ manga, 4Kids, and Funimation adaptations, this is called Streaming Wolf Swords. Tourounagashi (灯籠流し?, lit. "garden/hanging lantern stream/current") is a Japanese Buddhism ceremony in which participants float paper lanterns (chochin) down a river. This technique is often...
One Piece premiered on Netflix at the end of August, and the producers are ready to put season two into production – even before the streaming service has officially renewed the series. Matt Owens and Steven Maeda are showrunners for the series. Mayumi Tanaka, Kazuya Nakai, Akemi ...