总体来看,“one two one”的核心意义在于“节奏控制”和“互动协调”,其跨领域应用均围绕这两个关键词展开,兼具功能性与娱乐性。
教育要从娃娃抓起,只要他们对国旗依然尊敬,只要孩子还知道生活在国旗下,只要没有用英语来唱英语国歌,只要心中还是向往祖国。喊几句英语号子,说几句one two one,作为英语的启蒙教学,也是未尝不可的,没必要大惊小怪到上升到家国情怀。以前80后学习的时候没有喊one two one 的英语口号,也阻止不了部分人才的...
因此网友们吵了起来,有人认为升国旗是本国的仪式,不该出现外语口令。有的网友也表示:两句英文口令而已,有啥好担心的?怎么这么不自信吗!首先略略我要检讨了,作为曾经的幼教工作者,深处幼教一线那几年,对于口令“one two one”我是亲眼见证过的。我也敢肯定不少幼儿园都用过,不少幼儿园老师都教过。当时...
Oneoneone—儿童歌曲 One,One,One,kit-ten in the sun. Two,Two,Two,ba-by kan-ga-roos. Three,Three,Three,birds - in a tree. Four,Four,Four,pret-ty wood-en doors. Five,Five,Five,bees - in the hive. Six,Six,Six,big and lit-tle sticks. Seven,Seven,Seven,star in heaven...
《Creepin' up on you 》(情不自禁爱上你)One, two, one, two, three.(yeah yeah, oh~ho. oh yeah. doo doo doo doo)Creepin' up on you is the wrong thing to do情不自禁爱上你是一个错误 I found your address and got your phone number too我得到了你的住址和你还有你的...
韩豫- One Two One One Two
Oneoneone—儿童歌曲 One,One,One,kit-ten in the sun. Two,Two,Two,ba-by kan-ga-roos. Three,Three,Three,birds - in a tree. Four,Four,Four,pret-ty wood-en doors. Five,Five,Five,bees - in the hive. Six,Six,Six,big and lit-tle sticks. ...
韩豫- One Two One One Two
兔子舞 没错 poppin