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The Clinic is based on Harley Street and has the knowledge and skills to support your patients with making the right decision for them, when their implant is failing. Call today, and find out how we can help return your patient to good health. To find out more, visit https://121dental....
商标名称 DENTAL ONE 壹号口腔 国际分类 第10类-医疗器械 商标状态 商标其他情形 申请/注册号 71235263 申请日期 - 申请人名称(中文) - 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) - 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 - 注册公告期号 - 注册公告日期 - 专用权期限 -至 - 类似群 - 是否共...
Revolutionize your dental practice with Curve's innovative software. Streamline workflows, enhance communication, and empower your team. Discover the Curve difference!
Origin One Dental 响应您的生产需求 Stratasys Origin® One Dental 当生产变得至关重要时,Origin One Dental 可以使用多 种高性能材料批量化生产各种牙科零件,并帮助您扩大业 务规模.Origin One Dental 配备人性化的软件,易于管 理和学习,能够简化您的数字工作流程,并最大限度地提 高产量. 该款打印机拥有更快...
The Dental Hygienist was gentle, but thorough, with my cleaning and gave me some good tips on how to better brush and floss. Dr. Ashouripour has wonderful bedside manner. He put me at ease and genuinely seemed to care that I understood everything. I’m very grateful to have found him...
德国卡瓦(KAVO):数字全景机Cranex D、Pan eXam、eXpert DC、MINRAY、卡瓦雪鹰CRANEX-3D 数字化全景机、Digora Optime UV扫描仪、Digora Optime(DXR-50)影像板扫描仪。 美国柯达(Kodak):口腔CT Kodak 9000C 3D、8000系列全景、2100牙片机。 芬兰英迈杰(Instrumentarium Dental):OP300、OP300 MAXIO、OP300 PANORAMIC(...