[8] The Sindar Elves in Beleriand called him Gorthaur, meaning "dread abomination",[9] while others of the Eldar had named him Sauron, meaning "the abhorred" or "the abominable" (a mockery of his original name). Under Sauron's regency, Angband was almost ready by YT 1495,[6] with ...
Joseph Zaccardiserved as Marin County, CA poet laureate (2013-2015), and during his tenure published and editedChanging Harm to Harmony: Bullies & Bystanders Project.CW Bookspublished his fourth poetry book,A Wolf Stands Alone in Water. His poems have appeared inCincinnati Review, Poetry East, ...
Another possibility in graduate classes is that in addition to readings done by all students, each student may also be expected to work independently in some area of interest and later make a presentation that summarizes what her or she has learned. Usually each student then goes on to write ...
Galadriel is the Sindarin translation of Telerin Quenya Alatáriel, the name given her by Celeborn, meaning "maiden crowned with a garland of bright radiance" in reference to her hair. The name Galadhriel was used outside Lórien by the people who did not know the ancient days and ...