You see the ruins of gas chambers blown up by the SS before they ran away, the Red Army when they arrived, and one by the Sonderkommandos when they tried to revolt in October 1944. This latter group were Jews put to work on processing the corpses from gas chamber to crematorium, among...
These two are the heart of a broad ensemble of lovable characters, all facing their own struggles to communicate across cultural boundaries, deal with traumas and scars, use magic for practical solutions, and pick the perfect song for karaoke night. In this volume: the party with the vampires...
Bob Neaverson correctly states that “prior to A Hard Day’s Night, the majority of British and US pop musicals had relied upon the long-established tradition of song performance derived from the classical Hol-58 THEBEATLES ON FILM–PART ONE: 1964-1965lywood musical” (Neaverson 2000: 154)...
Auf den Zimmern ist es nicht weniger be- sonders – denn viele warten mit einem privaten Balkon und einer tollen Aussicht auf. Fast möchte man nicht schlafen gehen. Zum Glück ist morgen auch noch ein Tag! seeing here. Heads-up to everyone who only associates Hanover with trade fairs: ...
24 Think of terms such as “Endlösung der Judenfrage”, “Sonderbehandlung”, “Umsied-lung nach Osten” etc. Obviously, use of such terms had strategic reasons – secrecy –but also expressed the desire to rid Germany/Europe of a perceived problem. Our very labelling of expressions as ...