Lunghezza massima del carattere del segmento di percorso URL 1.024 1.024 1.024 1.024 1.024 Lunghezza in caratteri massima del valore denominato 4.096 4.096 4.096 4.096 4.096 Dimensioni massime dello schema API usato dai criteri di convalida 4 MB 4 MB 4 MB 4 MB 4 MB Numero massimo di schemi...
不过ratherthan后面可以是不定式、名词、动名词或动词原形彳列Iprefertostayathomeratherthangooutintheheavyrain..宾语从句preferthat宾语从句中常用虚拟语气例Ipreferthatweshouldgathermoreinformationonthatissue.我觉得关于那个事情我们最好收集更多信息.review[n评介,评论reviewv复习eg Reviewallthenoteshere.撰写评论eg ...
21. (tr) informal to bear the cost of; pay for: to stand someone a drink. 22. stand a chance to have a hope or likelihood of winning, succeeding, etc 23. stand fast to maintain one's position firmly 24. stand one's ground to maintain a stance or position in the face of opposi...
theres nothing you ca theres gonna be more theres no other way theres water here therell be no tears t theres a cabin in the theres a choice theres a crack in my theres a dark and a t theres a fine fine li theres a future plays theres a grace in his theres a hero theres a new...
喝吧 Drink. 喝吧 Drink. 对不起 Sorry. 没关系 Its okay. 谢谢 Thanks. 哥们 你们在做什么呢 What the hell are you doing, boy? 我很抱歉 文斯 Im sorry, Vince. 把这破玩意捡起来 Pick this crap up. 别让我在这儿逮到你 I better not catch you back in here. 你是真的硬汉啊 是不是 Youre...
(Laughs and finishes her drink.) Joey: (climbing down from his chair) Do you uh, do you—ready for a refill? Rachel: Oh, I probably shouldn’t—so I will! (Joey starts making her refill and Rachel notices that rain thing Joey has.) Oh! Wow! It’s like it’s raining! Joey: ...
Help me out - Yeah You know you got to help me out - Yeah Oh, don't you put me on the back burner You know you got to help me out - Yeah And when there's nowhere else to run Is there room for one more son These changes ain't changing me The cold-hearted boy I used to ...
Imawriter,Peyton.Itsabigpartofmylife. 好吧,进来。有东西给你 Fine.Comein.Ivegotsomethingforyou. 真是可悲。忘了Nathan吧. isactuallyprettypathetic.ForgetaboutNathan. 赛前动员会,游戏-我知道,我理解,只是... Pepralliesandawaygames---Iknow.Igetit.Ijust... ...
Lord, stuck in Lodi again Rode in on the Greyhound, I'll be walkin' out if I go I was just passin' through, must be seven months or more Ran out of time and money, looks like they took my friends Oh! Lord, I'm stuck in Lodi again The man from the magazine said I was on...
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