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and I really don't want to go alone. 那里会有很多迷人的单身妹子 There's gonna be a lot of cute girls there. 说不定你能遇到 You might meet someone, 甚至比詹·瑞姆莉还要好 someone even better than Jen Rimbly. 是杰茜·兰姆丝但是我懂你的意思 Jess Ramsey, but yeah, I hear you. 拜托...
The XBox Backwards Compatibility might look good on paper but in reality it is not as most of the games you can play are the usual PC Hype Games like Call of Duty, Medal of Honor and others. I made a List once and came up with ~60 Games that fall into this Category. And most of...
I feel like that might be a challenge for her. 肯定有点踉踉跄跄 没错 Oh, it's definitely up for grabs. Yes. 你要想去陪她也没问题 You totally could have stayed with her. 我自己叫辆车回家 I'm just gonna get a car and head home. 别啊 咱们好不容易见一次面 No, no, no. I mean...
干杯 - Raise your glasses. - Cheers. 干杯 Cheers. 结伴婚礼 于是 你就要 So... here you are... 结婚了 getting married. 天呐 Ugh. 你总说我会最早成家 You always said Id be the first to go, 真没想到 不过也合情合理 but...I guess this makes sense. 就像从前咱们在家里办的过夜聚会 Its...