“As a physician, building trusting relationships with my patients has always been the most rewarding part of my work,” said Andrew Diamond, M.D., chief medical officer, Amazon One Medical in a statement. “With the support of our AI tools, we’ve implemented into our custom...
For instance, the drug Gleevec (imatinib) was found to double survival rates of leukaemia patients4with a chromosomal abnormality in their tumours called the Philadelphia translocation. Similarly, it turns out that Erbitux (cetuximab) improves the survival of people with colorectal cancer whose tumour ...
ArticlePubMedPubMed CentralGoogle Scholar Dabritz HA, Miller MA, Atwill ER, Gardner IA, Leutenegger CM, Melli AC, Conrad PA (2007) Detection of Toxoplasma gondii-like oocysts in cat feces and estimates of the environmental oocyst burden.Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association231:1...
The route of infection with meat-borne parasites is usually through the consumption of contaminated raw meat or its products that harbor the different infective stages of the parasites (Murrell2013). Meat can also help to complete the life cycle of some of these parasites, and transmit the infec...
PHILADELPHIA I’ll probably wind-up betting two of them – probably the first two – between now and the All-Star break. You will also note that all of the bets are long shots. Keep in mind that there are primarily two types of bets made in sports betting. One is the point spread,...
Corresponding Author: Robert Gross, MD, MSCE, University of Pennsylvania, 804 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Dr, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (grossr@pennmedicine.upenn.edu). Published Online: May 25, 2023. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.8961 Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Gross reported receiving personal ...
— Philadelphia Inquirer “In a staccato and rather confused style Miss Lee has managed to convey something of the gigantic bewilderment of those days in France, the seamy and sordid and disillusioning side of war, the bitterness and waste of life. She relies for her effect upon the ...
Primitive, quiescent, Philadelphia-positive stem cells from patients with chronic myeloid leu- kemia are insensitive to STI571 in vitro. Blood. 2002;99:319–325. 84. Corbin AS, Agarwal A, Loriaux M, Cortes J, Deininger MW, Druker BJ. Human chronic myeloid leukemia stem cells are ...
, Katz DL, Elmore JG, Wild DMG, Lucan SC (editors), Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders, pp 364–377 Beasley, V (2009) ‘One toxicology’, ‘ecosystem health’ and ‘One Health’. Veterinaria Italiana 45:97-110 PubMed Google Scholar Beasley, VR (1993) Ecotoxicology and ecosystem health: ...
While foot patrol was the exclusive treatment in the Philadelphia trial, two recent and supportive studies suggest the additional benefit of “residual deterrence” (Barnes et al., 2020; Ariel et al., 2020) and the temporal “free bonus” (Sherman, 1990) period of sustained deterrence after th...