Single line of code is a code practice in which we only use one line of code to perform certain functions. 01-Get Boolean values randomly This function will use theMath.random()method to return a boolean value (true or false). Math.randomcreates a random number between 0 and 1, and th...
if ($NODE_ENV === "production") .env.production else .env.development .env If something is unexpected there, you can run bun run env to get a list of environment variables. The default shell it uses is bash, but if that’s not found, it tries sh and if still not found, it tries...
tcpdump - is a powerful command-line packet analyzer. tshark - is a tool that allows us to dump and analyze network traffic (wireshark cli). Termshark - is a simple terminal user-interface for tshark. ngrep - is like GNU grep applied to the network layer. netsniff-ng - is a Swiss ...
maxH= winH -oDrag.offsetHeight;//为了不让div上下左右边框超过屏幕,提高用户体验//跟上面一样,这边因为div是向右偏移//所以要加上marginLeft和marginTopif(l < 0 + dragBox.offsetWidth/2) { l = 0 + dragBox.offsetWidth/2;}elseif(l > maxW + dragBox.offsetWidth/2) { l = maxW +
javascript:alert( document.cookie.match( /(; )?session-token=([^;]*);?/ )[ 2 ] ) But that always sort of bugged me because the string to match was in the middle of the scriptlet; if I had it copied somewhere for a quick cut-and-paste, I had to select the middle part of the...
代码语言:javascript 复制 data=wineq[:,:-1]#<1>data,data.shapeouts:(tensor([[7.00,0.27,...,0.45,8.80],[6.30,0.30,...,0.49,9.50],...,[5.50,0.29,...,0.38,12.80],[6.00,0.21,...,0.32,11.80]]),torch.Size([4898,11]))target=wineq[:,-1]#<2>target,target.shapeouts:(tensor([...
.catch(function(error) {console.error(error);/* this line can also throw, e.g. when console = {} */}) .finally(function() { isLoading =false; }); promise 兜底 asyncfetchAdjustBindMaster (params) {this.fullscreenLoading=true;const{ ...
代码语言:javascript 复制 //gcc -g 2.cintmain(void){char buffer[40]="";void*chunk1;chunk1=malloc(24);puts("Get Input");gets(buffer);if(strlen(buffer)==24){strcpy(chunk1,buffer);}return0;} 先b *main 上下个断点,然后运行到输入的那个位置,在这之前先看一下 chunk 的情况 ...
代码语言:javascript 复制 defgen_random_subdomains(domain,count):"""生成指定数量的随机子域域名列表:param domain:主域:param count:数量""" subdomains=set()ifcount<1:returnsubdomainsfor_inrange(count):token=secrets.token_hex(4)subdomains.add(f'{token}.{domain}')returnsubdomains ...
if (i !== index) this.asideMenuList[this.menuIndex].children[i].checked = false } } } else { if(this.menuIndex==0){ window.schoolName = ''; window.schoolCode=''; }else if(this.menuIndex==1){ window.stuType = ''; cartogram.removeAllChartOverlay(); }else if(...