God wants people to enjoy life on earth. Elob ge ǂhâbahâ khoen ǂkhîb ǃnâ ǃhūbaib ai nî ûi ǃkhaisa. jw2019 “Nearly 1.3 billion people live on less than a dollar a day, and close to 1 billion cannot meet their basic consumption requirements.”—“Human...
SowhenIgothurt,shecametomeandpleadedwithmetowalkaway. 她说那样对我们都好 Shesaiditwouldbebetterforallofus. 所以我退出了 SoIdid. 我一生中最错的决定 Worstdecisionofmylife. 没有我父亲的压力这促感觉真好 Itfeltgoodtogetoutfromunderneathmyfather. 后来我认识到我不用再为他打球了 AndafterawhileIrealized...
Andmintchocolatechip.Mintchocolatechip. 我不知道你们在做什么 Idontwanttoknowwhatyouredoing. 我只想抱一抱Nate. IjustwanttohugNate. ?StayByYourSide-Waterdeep? -嘿-嗨! -Hey.-Hi! Ah,thanksforcoming. 啊多谢你来 Youhavenowsavedthetwomostimportantmeninmylife, 你救了我生命中最重要的两个人 andI...
it’s something to do with Christian, because Ana is like this huge planet of sad and clumsy that pulls smaller satellites of awful and dickish into her orbit, so that nothing in her life can ever be not about Christian Grey.
Editor Life Support • HBO • Foxx/King Entertainment, Flavor Unit Films, Urban Romances and Shelby Stone Productions in association with HBO Films Mary Jo Markey, A.C.E., Editor The Path To 9/11 • Night 2 • ABC • Marc Platt Productions in association with ABC Studios Geoffrey...