Numbers in words are written by using the English alphabet. For example, 1000 in words is written as Thousand with spelling. Learn the tips and tricks on how to remember number names along with important notes, practice questions, and solved examples.
1 million means one thousand thousand. One million is the word used to describe large numbers of currency and it equals ten lakhs in Indian currency. Learn more about millions at BYJUS along with the conversions and calculators.
Convert the value in A2 cell. Use the formula in C2 cell =TEXT (A2, “0”) “0”: returns the general text format. Press Enter and copy the formula in remaining cells usingCtrl + D As you can see we got numbers as text output because the significance number always v...
The inundation431 drives many of them from the fields to the houses and deserts, and destroys the rest; but soon after the waters have subsided432, vast numbers of them are seen again, taking refuge in the deep clefts433 of the parched434 soil. Note 51.—On the Beverage called Boo?ah...