day - the period of time taken by a particular planet (e.g. Mars) to make a complete rotation on its axis; "how long is a day on Jupiter?" period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery";...
One day I travelled in space. First I went to Jupiter(木星). After (1)___, I have to put on my spacesuit to get(2)___ because it was so cold there! There was no air, so I didn't think Jupiter was a(3)___place to live on. Then I went to Mars(火星). Mars is close ...
So little of what one is threads itself through the eye of empty space faith,personal Against the Nashville Statement faith,links,medicine,music,personal Links for July 16, 2017 parenting,personal This Too Shall Pass criminal justice,politics ...
歌手:jupiter one Made In A Day - Jupiter One The day it was explained to me I understood it finally I got the letter in the mail I saw the stamp I knew I'd failed In a way it was better than today It was a special day
Made In A Day Made In A Day歌词 歌曲:Made In A Day 文本歌词: 歌手:Jupiter One 歌词出处: 暂无文本格式歌词 歌曲:Made In A Day lrc歌词: 暂无LRC格式歌词
While in space, he released another nuclear punch, producing a spherical explosion seemingly comparable in size to a section of Jupiter, though this could be a matter of perspective. Nuclear Fission Gravity Knuckle (核分裂重力拳, Kakubunretsu Jūryoku Ken; Viz: Nuclear Fission, Fist of Gravity...
Asquareis anaspectof90°betweentwopoints—suchastwoplanets—inanastrologicalchart.Asquareis amajoraspect,regardedaschallengingandinharmonious.It isthemostdifficultofallthehardaspects,thoughmuchdependsonthenatureoftheplanetsinvolved.AsquareinvolvingplanetslikeJupiterandVenus,forinstance,willusuallybringfewerhardshipsin...
Kerss, the cruise line's Chief Aurora Chaser, has a way of making deep space feel surprisingly accessible. Between discussions ofJovian auroras caused by volcanoes on one of Jupiter's moons, Kerss drops quippy one-liners: “Some of you will have a great day because you get to hear me....
As for a favorite song, Kevin said he thinks the answer has changed over the years. Right now, he went with “Galaxy.” A lyric that resonates with him is: “Between Mars and Jupiter there’s a gap for another planet now way back yeah maybe a mad man just blew the shit out of ...
Later on,when he was in college,he chose the elementary astronomy course.While he was taking that course,he went to the campus observatory,and one of the things he observed was the planet Jupiter.Even through a small telescope,it was just very clear that it was an...