Jarod picked up the young man, a hand on his lower back and ass but as Jarod started to move he felt the rounded bump of a toy. Raphael was on the couch trying hard to not shove his hand down his pants and play with the silver plug but knew he wasn’t allow to just yet. “Ah...
I am not gonna let a bunch of itchy spots stand between us. [He walks to her and kisses her.] PHOEBE: Ok, this is the most romantic disease I've ever had. [Scene: Chandler's office. Joey enters.] JOEY: Hey. CHANDLER: Hey, how's the first day goin'? JOEY: Pretty good. It'...
It could take a couple of years and resources for a modeling agency to develop a model to the point of realizing returns on their investment. The agencies like to invest in a model to grow their career when focusing on the model’s future. This means the companies are pretty cautious as ...
The next morning, the sweet child awoke with a happy heart, leapt out of bed and began to sing her appreciation for the new day. No sooner had the first notes lifted from her heart to her throat than she felt them bump up against a solid wall and stay stuck there. Try as she might...
Wordy Word Level 31: Lone One Once Con No Clone Cone On Wordy Word Level 32: Beam Me Bay Yam May Maybe Em Bye My By Wordy Word Level 33: Is Skip Spike Pike Pie Ski Wordy Word Level 34: To Photo Too Hoot Top Hoop Opt Hot Wordy Word Level 35: He Hem Mete Tee Teem Theme Them...
My hamster has one eye closed all the time. There are no other hamsters living with him and never have been. He is active and eating. And since he has had the one eye closed he has been more inclined to go towards a hand in his cage. He never goes near people. He seems very hea...
PHOEBE: Well, I've never had it, I feel so left out. [Sees a red bump on her arm.] Oh look! OPENING TITLES [Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Richard are in her bedroom.] MONICA: Honey, you made the bed again. I told you, you don't have to do that. This ...