ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ was born in Aracataca, Colombia in 1928, but he has lived most of his life in Mexico and Europe. He attended the University of Bogotá and later worked as staff reporter and film critic for the Colombian newspaper El Espectador. In additi...
[百年孤独].(One.Hundred.Years.of.Solitude).[哥伦比亚]加西亚·马尔克斯著.黄锦炎等译.文字版[] 下载积分: 100 内容提示: txt 版 转于 黄锦炎译本 PDF 版 家族人物表(来源于百度百科) 霍· 阿· 布恩蒂亚 第一代 乌苏娜 霍· 阿· 布恩蒂亚之妻 第一代 霍· 阿卡蒂奥 霍· 阿· ...
Whether he is describing an affair of passion or the voracity of capitalism and the corruption of government, Gabriel Garcia Marquez always writes with the simplicity, ease, and purity that are the mark of a master. Alternately reverential and comical, One Hundred Years of Solitude weaves the ...
one hundred years of solitude(百年孤独) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 加西亚•马尔克斯(Gabriel García Márquez)1927年出生于哥伦比亚马格达莱纳海滨小镇阿拉卡塔卡。童年与外祖父母一起生活。1936年随父母迁居苏克雷。1947年考入波哥大国立大学。1948年因内战辍学,进入报界。五十年代开始发表文学作品。六十...
Blending political reality with magic realism, fantasy with comic invention, One Hundred Years of Solitude is one of the most daringly original works of the twentieth century. 《百年孤独》是魔幻现实主义文学的代表作,描写了布恩迪亚家族七代人的传奇故事,以及加勒比海沿岸小镇马孔多的百年兴衰,反映了拉丁...
百年孤独(One Hundred Years of Solitude)简介: It is typical of Gabriel Garc韆 M醨quez that it will be many pages before his narrative circles back to the ice, and many chapters before the hero of One Hundred Years of Solitude, Buend韆, stands before the firing squad. In between, he re...
One Hundred Years of Solitude 《百年孤独》 ISBN9780060883287 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 <span style="widows: 2; text-transform: none; background 《百年孤独》,是哥伦比亚作家加西亚·马尔克斯的代表作,也是拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义文学的代表作。被誉为“再现拉丁美洲历史社会图景的鸿篇巨著”。
书名:One Hundred Years of Solitude《百年孤独》 中文简介:《百年孤独》(西班牙语:Cien años de soledad),是哥伦比亚作家加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯的作品,“魔幻现实主义”的代表作,在世界上享有盛誉。作者也因此获得1982年诺贝尔文学奖,瑞典皇家学院的颁奖理由是:“像其他重要的拉丁美洲作家一样,马尔克斯永远为弱小...
One Hundred Years of Solitude,novelbyGabriel García Márquez, published in Spanish asCien años de soledadin 1967. It is considered the author’s masterpiece and the foremost example of his style ofmagic realism. “Many years later, as he faced the firingsquad, Colonel Aurelio Buendía was ...
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