Although she was already a hundred years old and on the point of going blind fromcataracts46, she still had physical dynamism, her integrity of character, and her mental balance intact. No one would be better able than she to shape thevirtuous47man who would restore the prestige of the fam...
One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 1 MANY YEARS LATER as he faced the firingsquad1, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. At that time Macondo was a village of twentyadobe2houses, built on the bank of a river...
One Hundred Years of Solitude的创作者· ··· 加西亚·马尔克斯作者 作者简介· ··· 加西亚•马尔克斯(Gabriel García Márquez)1927年出生于哥伦比亚马格达莱纳海滨小镇阿拉卡塔卡。童年与外祖父母一起生活。1936年随父母迁居苏克雷。1947年考入波哥大国立大学。1948年因内战辍学,进入报界。五十年代开始发表文学...
It is typical of Gabriel García Márquez that it will be many pages before his narrative circles back to the ice, and many chapters before the hero of One Hundred Years of Solitude, Buendía, stands before the firing squad. In between, he recounts such wonders as an entire town struck wi...
One_Hundred_Years_of_Solitude外文电子书籍.doc,PAGE PAGE 6 One Hundred Years of Solitude GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ was born in Aracataca, Colombia in 1928, but he has lived most of his life in Mexico and Europe. He attended the University of García Márquez
作为记者的马尔克斯在非小说题材及短篇小说领域成绩斐然,然而使他声名鹊起的主要是其长篇小说,代表作包括《百年孤独》(One Hundred Years of Solitude)、《族长的没落》(The Autumn of the Patriarch),以及《霍乱时期的爱情》(Love in the Time of ...
One Hundred Years of Solitude [Import] [Hardcover]百年孤独 Gabriel Garcia Marquez 精装[英文原版]One Hundred Years of Solitude百年孤独/马尔克 《百年孤独》是魔幻现实主义文学的代表作,描写了布恩迪亚家族七代人的传奇故事,以及加勒比海沿岸小镇马孔多的百年兴衰,反映了拉丁美洲一个世纪以来风云变幻的历史。作品...
百年孤独(One Hundred Years of Solitude)简介: It is typical of Gabriel Garc韆 M醨quez that it will be many pages before his narrative circles back to the ice, and many chapters before the hero of One Hundred Years of Solitude, Buend韆, stands before the firing squad. In between, he re...
Netflix Says Shooting ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’ Series In Colombia Delivered A $52 Million Boost To The Country’s Economy 12/13/2024 by Stewart Clarke Deadline Film + TV ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude: Part 1’ Trailer: And This Is Why You Don’t Marry Your Cousin 11/26/202...
et al. Marine Lake Mogilnoe (Kildin Island, the Barents Sea): one hundred years of solitude. Polar Biol 37, 297–310 (2014). Download citation Received21 March 2013 Revised27 August 2013 Accepted19 November 2013 Published30 November 2013 Issue ...