One Healthclimate changeanimalslivestocksurveillance and responsemitigationThe journal The Lancet recently published a countdown on health and climate change. Attention was focused solely on humans. However, animals, including wildlife, livestock and pets, may also be impacted by climate change. ...
The looming challenges of pandemic recovery, climate change emergencies, species extinction, and growing food insecurity are driving calls for more One Health to “do more.” To address these calls, it is reasonable to anti...
鉴于此,文章针对肠道血吸虫病和贾第鞭毛虫病评估了One Health方法的适用性,旨在减少这两种疾病的传播,改善健康与福祉。 ● 06 Assessing Climate Change Impact on Ecosystems and Infectious Disease: Important Roles for Genomic Sequencing and a One Health Perspective 评估气候变化对生态系统与传染病的影响:基因组测...
以第一/通讯作者在Lancet、Nature、Lancet Public Health 、Lancet Planetary Health、Nature Climate Change、Science Advances、Nature Communications、One Earth等期刊发表论文。任世界心脏联盟气候变化、空气污染专委会委员,国家环境与健康专家...
Health strategies and policies must be adapted in response to climate change within a broader context of global change involving increasing demand for animal products, globalization of their trade, and the impact of multiple environmental, socioeconomic and climatic determinants of human and animal heal...
Disease and health transcend traditional barriers of scientific research. Bringing together diverse fields to track and manage disease across human, animal, ...
This entry explores the emergence of ONE Paleopathology as a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to understanding health through deep time. The entry discusses key areas where paleopathological research provides crucial insights: animals as sentinels of
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we're facing. Human activity over the last 200years has meant that we're standing on the brink(边缘) of an environmental disaster. Yet we're told that there are still things we can do to protect the planet. 1. __ C__.Drive less often...
Not only are they good for the planet, but they’re also good for your health. Depending on the weather, you may enjoy this new trip mode even more than sitting in traffic. Though it may seem unimportant in the whole wide world, your shopping habits can actually influence our environment...
This POSTnote summarises how the One Health approach can be used to tackle key public health impacts of climate change, such as antimicrobial resistance, zoonotic disease and food and water safety and security. It outlines the key features, challenges and opportunities of implementing the approach....