4.To be indebted or obliged for:owed their riches to oil; owes her good health to diet and exercise. 5.To bear (a certain feeling) toward a person or persons:You seem to owe your neighbors a grudge. 6.ArchaicTo have as a possession; own. ...
In a statement, Global Citizen’s co-founder and CEO Hugh Evans said: “As we honor and support the heroic efforts of community health workers, One World: Together at Home aims to serve as a source of unity and encouragement in the global fight to end COVID-19. Through music, entertainm...
This 1955 "pseudo-western"about a man's journey, with his young son, from Kentucky to Texas in the 1820s starred Burt Lancaster and was filmed at Cumberland Falls State Park in Corbin, Levi Jackson State Park in London, and right here in Owensboro. My dad was a huge Lancaster fan, but...