Definitions include: Slang for the phrase " Once More, Again". Compare to: 1 more time, Repeat , Replay,or Restart. Example: The studio producer said "Imma need y'all to do that [1 Mo''gain]. Ok 1, 2, 3, GO!!! 516 Definitions include: a "Long Island Ice Tea" (also called ...
largely because nobody else is gonna do it. Along the way she ends up with more-substantial feelings for one of her female allies — a group that includes a law-enforcement angel with gender issues and an ex-monster-crimelord demon who writes fanfiction. Bonus: the fact that Allison...
Social Distortion Mommy’s Little MonsterSocial Unrest Rat in a MazeSods Minutes to GoSoft Boys Underwater MoonlightSoft Machine ThirdSoggy SlogSonic Youth Daydream NationSonics Here are The Sonics!!!Sonic’s Rendezvous Band City SlangSorrows Pink, Purple, Yellow & RedSorry Imaginary FriendSort ...
Social Distortion Mommy’s Little MonsterSocial Unrest Rat in a MazeSods Minutes to GoSoft Boys Underwater MoonlightSoft Machine ThirdSoggy SlogSonic Youth Daydream NationSonics Here are The Sonics!!!Sonic’s Rendezvous Band City SlangSorrows Pink, Purple, Yellow & RedSorry Imaginary FriendSort ...
Soot has a nice line in Cockney rhyming slang, a contrast to posho Stella’s plummier tones. The representation of class is old school, but at least by the end Stella learns to not be so much of a snob. Adding humour to proceedings is Zain Abrahams as Gibbon, the deaf and dotty ...
You could even choose a name like Scratch, a slang term used for coins. Alternatively, you might choose to be inspired by famous mines and towns that became popular during the silver-rush. Here are a few good names to get you started: ...