继一周前宣布 推出两年期100GB空间免费服务 后,微软云存储服务 One Drive 又带来新福利了——如果Dropbox的现有用户,选择安装微软的OneDrive云存储客户端,微软将免费赠送100GB的空间,有效期一年。后期是否收费尚不明确。为了防止其他用户浑水摸鱼,OneDrive...网页链接...
Big Cloud Storage Platforms like Google Drive and Dropbox have been popular for such wrong reasons. Google’s Cloud Storage platform has reported Data leaks on different occasions; in 2012, 2014, and 2016 as well. In these attacks, data of more than 30 Million users has been compromised in ...
GoogleDrive Dropbox Direct Link Usage ddl URL/FILELIST [--filename FILENAME] [--thread-number NUMBER] [--version] [--help] URL/FILELIST: target url/filelist to download from.The example of filelist is shown intests/test.list. --filename/-o FILENAME: (optional) output filename. Example...
MultCloudis a web-based cloud file manager that allows you to access and manage your data in cloud services as long as your devices are connected to the network. You can manage multiple cloud services such as Google Drive, Google Photos, OneDrive, Dropbox, FTP, etc. in only one place on...
"rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob, Azure Files, Yandex Files - rclone/rclone
The Document to Go Office enables synchronization through cloud services, such as OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox. 3: Is Documents to Go for advanced formatting? Document to Go is primarily focused on basic formatting and editing. However, you can avail the feature of advanced formatting as...
What does Google Drive for business cost and how much storage space do you get per user? Must-see offers Box Dropbox Google Drive iDrive NextCloud Most business customers will get a Drive storage allotment as part of a G Suite subscription, but it's also available as a standalone product....
不仅如此,iPhone 6 在处理谷歌的应用服务时似乎更加得心应手,包括 Google Drive、Google Maps 以及 YouTube 等。相比之下,HTC One M8 在处理 Gmail、Twitter、Dropbox 以及 Spotify 等应用时则更为迅速。不过,这些表现显然无法超越 iPhone 6。 在测试结果中看到,iPhone 6 完成所有测试总共使用了 51 秒钟,而 ...
Goodnotes 可以把你的所有笔记备份到 iCloud、Google Drive、Dropbox 或 OneDrive上。 它适用于 Mac、iPad和 iPhone,方便你在多个设备上查看和同步笔记。iPad 版本的 Goodnotes 价格为7.99美元。 02 Notability 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 Notability 可能是 Goodnotes 的最强有力的竞争对手。它与 iPad 差不多是同时期...