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Drive by Jolicloud 下載奇妙清單 首頁:: 點點印好書店 - 蒐集好作品,分享好故事 Chicago: Plein Air Café Kinfolk 來當Nendo與Tom Dixon的鄰居!巴黎 La Jeune Rue 都市再生計畫|MOT/TIMES 線上誌 Ford: A few seconds you just can't skip | Ads of the World™ Single Element CSS Spinners...
↑One Piece Yellow: Grand Elements(p. 265), The Black Leg Style name is mentioned. ↑One PieceManga and Anime —Vol. 8Chapter 67(p. 6) andEpisode 30, Carne states that Sanji has mastered the kicks directly passed down by the owner, Zeff. ...
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[89] In addition, the last dish Sanji made for his fellow Baratie cooks was soup; though they found it delicious, the cooks—including Zeff—derided it in an attempt to drive Sanji into joining the Straw Hat Pirates.[90] Victoria Cindry also frequently makes soup dishes for her master,...
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