2010年,原本以solo身份参加《The X Factor》第七季的5个男孩,阴差阳错组成组合One Direction,并最终获得了“乐队/乐团”组别的季军。2011年,1D首单《What Makes You Beautiful》就打破了索尼唱片预售纪录,首周销量突破15万张,成为英国单曲榜冠军,也创下了英国偶像团体在美国出道单曲的最佳排名。2012年,他们...
2010年,原本以solo身份参加《TheXFactor》第七季的5个男孩,阴差阳错组成组合OneDirection,并最终获得了“乐队/乐团”组别的季军。 2011年,1D首单《WhatMakesYouBeautiful》就打破了索尼唱片预售纪录,首周销量突破15万张,成为英国单曲榜冠军,也创下了英国偶像团体在美国出道单曲的最佳排名。 2012年,他们带着这首歌登...
One Direction: This Is Us (2013) Themselves, Performer ("Up All Night" (live), "Over Again" (live), "I Would", "One Thing", "One Thing" (live), "What Makes You Beautiful", "She's Not Afraid", "She's Not Afraid" (live), "Kiss You", "Kiss You" (live), "Live While ...
【Kiss】全体Di..2010年站上「The X Factor」的舞台,自此一连串不可思议的青春热潮迅速蔓延。《Up All Night》和《Take Me Home》一年内缔造两张空降告示牌流行专辑榜冠军记录!一鸣惊人的
Payne was one of five members of One Direction, which formed when they each auditioned for the British singing competition series “The X Factor” in 2010, two years after Payne’s first attempt to get on the show. At 16 the second time around, Payne sang Michael Bublé’s version of ...
简介:one direction专辑销量破1200万张 公布2014年巡演计划 03:03 One Direction:《Kiss You》 发布时间:2013-03-15 类型:音乐内地 简介:One Direction:《Kiss You》 01:22 超强剪辑 奥巴马翻唱OneDirection 发布时间:2012-07-23 类型:音乐海外 简介:英伦当红正太乐团,One Direction冠单What Makes You Beautiful,...
One Direction 香港演唱會 2015 介紹 (即入) Telegram 演唱會購票交流 Group https://t.me/+iCrVuo6iuuMxYzc1 一世代(英語:One Direction)(簡稱1D)是一個英國男子音樂組合。組合成員包括:Niall Horan、Liam Payne、Zayn Malik、Harry Styles和Louis Tomlinson。在《X-factor》中,原來他們在比賽中被淘汰,但...
”此次全新VIOS威驰与One Direction(单向乐队)的强强联手,必将激荡出更为瞩目的青春新风范。 当清新明快的《what makes you beautiful》在世界各地传唱之时,One Direction(单向乐队)这个阳光帅气的组合,用3年时间完成了从《英国偶像(The X Factor)》选秀节目的脱颖而出到奥运会伦敦碗精彩演出的华丽蜕变。全球1200万...
And you've got that one thing而, 你是我的唯一 One Direction是5位男孩從音樂競賽節目X Factor被...
One Direction formed in 2010 after appearing on the TV show "The X Factor." The band, also known as 1D, sold more than 50 million records, and in 2014, it became the first group to have its first four albums debut at No. 1 on the Billboard 200, according to B...