Welcome to the official One Direction website. Visit for the archived journal posts, past events, band photos, as well as all their music, singles and albums.
band[bænd]n.流行音乐乐队 fan[fæn]n.迷;狂热爱好者 ① What 's your favorite music band? 你最喜欢哪个乐队? ②I'm a big fan of One Direction. There are 5 singers in the band. 我很喜欢“单向组合”,他们乐队...
One Direction诞生于欧美音乐综艺全盛期,彼时《American Idol》《The Voice》《X Factor》等节目风头正盛。综艺输送了一大批欧美乐坛的人才,如Carrie Underwood和Leona Lewis,以及苏珊大妈、保罗大叔这些个性派红人。 其中,以boy band形式亮相的One Direction无疑是新鲜的。在综艺的关注度下,他们成为了当红的文化符号,但...
One Direction Celebrates Five Years as a Bandjackie.frere
Welcome to the official One Direction website. Visit for the archived journal posts, past events, band photos, as well as all their music, singles and albums.
单向组合(One Direction,简称1D)是一支来自英国与爱尔兰的男子组合,由路易斯·汤姆林森(Louis Tomlinson)、哈里·斯泰尔斯(Harry Styles)、利亚姆·佩恩(Liam Payne)与尼尔▪霍拉尼(NiallHoran)四位成员组成。
现在,对boy band接受度更大,并致力于将这种形式开发到极致的K-POP,某种程度算接上了One Direction的...
Explore One Direction's music on Billboard. Get the latest news, biography, and updates on the artist.
one direction 乐队介绍 OneDirection1D Fromlefttoright:NiallHoran,LiamPayne,HarryStyles,ZaynMalikandLouisTomlinson Briefintroduction •English-Irishpopboyband•members•NiallHoran,ZaynMalik,LiamPayne,HarryStyles,andLouisTomlinson.•TheysignedwithSimonCowell‘srecordlabelSycoRecordsafterbeingformedandfinishing...
One Direction《Up All Night》MV在线看!One Direction 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!