physics computing/ Euler equation algorithmasymptotic convergence rateiteration schemeconservation variablesRiemann variablesunsteady Euler equationstwo-point windward differencesstagnation enthalpyAn algorithm is devised which solves the steady one-dimensional Euler equations by an iteration scheme. The algorithm, ...
2) one-dimensional compressible Euler equations 一维可压Euler方程组3) D Euler equations 二维Euler方程 例句>> 4) Quasi-one-dimensional Euler equations 准一维Euler方程5) Compressible Euler equation 可压缩Euler方程组6) one-dimension and two-dimension hyperbolic equation 一维和二维双曲型方程 1....
The equations describing the flow of a one-dimensional continuum in Lagrangian coordinates are studied in this paper by the group analysis method. They are reduced to a single Euler–Lagrange equation which contains two undetermined functions (arbitrary elements). Particular choices of these arbitrary ...
1) the general one-dimensional unsteady Euler equation 广义一维非定常Euler方程1. First,hydrogen-air scramjet combustor is numerically simulated and analyzed by solving the general one-dimensional unsteady Euler equation. 通过求解广义一维非定常Euler方程,数值模拟了氢燃料的燃烧室,并和实验结果进行了比较...
Flows of one-dimensional continuum in Lagrangian coordinates are studied in the paper. Equations describing these flows are reduced to a single Euler-Lagrange equation which contains two undefined functions. Particular choices of the undefined functions correspond to isentropic flows of an ideal gas, di...
Matyas. Analytic solutions for the one-dimensional compressible euler equation with heat conduction and with different kind of equations of state. Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 14(3):785-799, 2013.Barna I.F. and Ma´yt´as L, Analytic Solutions for the One-dimensional Compressible Euler ...
Euler-lambert equationAn analysis of the effect of local preconditioning on boundary conditions for the subsonic, one-dimensional Euler equations is presented. Decay rates for the eigenmodes of the initial boundary value problem are determined for different boundary conditions. Riemann invariant boundary ...
Theoretical or Mathematical/ fluid dynamics liquid theory/ Euler equation existence theorem one-dimensional identical elastic hard rods hydrodynamic limit particle trajectories macroscopic scale uniqueness theorem/ A4710 General fluid dynamics theory, simulation and other computational methods A6120 Classical, se...
How to solve method of lines on one-dimensional... Learn more about method of lines, euler's method, heat equation, numerical method MATLAB, MATLAB Coder