day - the period of time taken by a particular planet (e.g. Mars) to make a complete rotation on its axis; "how long is a day on Jupiter?" period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery";...
Nicholas, crepes, Croatia, Diocletian’s Palace, Game of Thrones, Gold Gate, harbor, Marjan Hill, mausoleum, monstrance, Narodni Trg, Peristyle, Pjaca Clocktower, Split, Stari Plac, Temple of Jupiter, Temptation of St. Anthony, yacht | Leave a reply The Center of it All Posted on July ...
The water on this moon is completely solid because of the extremely cold temperature. ◆Europa Europa is one of Jupiter's moons here in our own solar system. It is another candidate due to its potential to hold liquid water. Europa is thought to have all the necessities for life ...
The Perseids intersect the orbit of Earth more or less directly, but on their way in toward the sun, they also pass other planets. In the case of the most massive planet in the solar system, Jupiter, there is no direct encounter; the dross of Comet Swift-Tuttle passes well above this ...
you said,It’s not every day I get to do something for the first time. But the very next morning, there we were, half-asleep, on the lowtide beach for our first shared daybreak. The night before—can you even remember what we fought about? Every argument leaves me ...
The Hole Mathilda was playing in a clearing on the edge of a woodland. In the late evening it is shady and rather dark, but it is obvious that it would be a pleasant location during the day. The hole down which she fell is still an obvious feature of the scene. It is also rather...
If you know anything about planets, you will know the length of a “day” varies wildly. A day on Mars is 40 minutes longer than on Earth. That’s 40 extra minutes to get things done. Venus, on the other hand, would not be fun. Their day lasts 243 Earth days. That’s l...
This first sighting of phosphorus monoxide on a comet helps astronomers draw a connection between star-forming regions, where the molecule is created, all the way to Earth. “The combination of the ALMA and ROSINA data has revealed a sort of chemical thread during the whole process of star...
And, um there is this new tagline field on the news update screen, maybe Atila will tell me what it's for... - chris I'm just wrapping up my busy workday... they got the net working here at work again, hope it lasts. :P Atila looks pretty lonely out here, if you would be...