together as a two-man team to finish – and win – the longest stage race in the world. But even these immense figures don’t really illustrate what things are truly like during the race. Like the number games and search for meaning. Martin described what the 13th stage was like for ...
The meaning of EXONERATE is to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship. How to use exonerate in a sentence. Where does exonerate come from? Synonym Discussion of Exonerate.
When day has this meaning, you can use it either as a countable noun or an uncountable noun. The days were dry and the nights were cold. How many meetings do you have on a typical working day? The festivities went on all day. 2. 'today' You refer to the actual day when you are...
It is only later, once the bitterness of the tea and woods has subsided, that Honeysuckle Rose reveals its final, true form – a sunny orange blossom busily licking the sticky grunge of beeswax and rosewood off its fur. The contrast between light and dark is startling, like a bar of the...
. Over breakfast on day two, Tao asked me if I would like to come and join them on their adventure and without hesitation, such was the impression that had been made on me by Tao and all involved, that I said ...
The meaning of THROW is to propel through the air by a forward motion of the hand and arm. How to use throw in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Throw.
Starting from Shiyan City of Hubei Province, Bailang town in Yunyang District is about 120 km away. One minute before arriving in the town, one could see a store on the roadside named“XXX store of Hubei”; but just one minute later, a big sign hung for a machinery company of Nanyang,...
... obligation to defend them; and reflecting that a dispute between two persons, writing in different languages, might be lengthened greatly by mistranslations, and thence misconceptions of one another's meaning, much of one of the abbe's letters being founded on an error in the translation,...
In this example, the subtitlers rendered the sentence “only two gender nonbinary characters and the advertising strongly suggested there would be three” as “characters with only two genders when the advertising suggested there would be three genders” This rendition strays from the meaning and ...
I learned early the importance of52and willingness to keep trying different fish food if you wanted to catch them. Sooner or later they’d53. I took that same attitude into my school work.54, I got many awards at college. I applied it...