It’s pretty cool to find out that a movie you’ve seen (and hopefully loved) was filmed in your hometown or pretty close to your home state. We found one of the top most filmed movie locations in the world, and it’s in the wide open spaces on the borderline between Washington and...
It’s pretty cool to find out that a movie you’ve seen (and hopefully loved) was filmed in your hometown or pretty close to your home state. We found one of the top most filmed movie locations in the world, and it’s in the wide open spaces on the borderline between Washington and...
Twice a semester, we have to teach a full Saturday. This day starts at 9 and ends at 5:15 – in teaching hours, it’s ten hours of class. Saturday is a day for lying back and eating small pieces of fat out of a bag. It’s a day for lazily reading until the vixen of sleep ...
the Birmingham duo created the state's best beer with El Gordo. Branded as a "muscular" 13.9% imperial stout, the beer birthed Dia del Gordo, aka El Gordo Day, an annual release party every December that draws locals together for the cult ...
The U.S. would not come to help for D Day until they knew they would be safe from the German subs. Once the U.K broke Enigma, the stage was set. These phones are in the map room. The lights between are because Churchill’s nap room was next door – when he went for a nap, ...
I can’t imagine the Royal Wedding didn’t have it’s naysayers, and although I was happy with the blessed event, I was a little miffed that “nothing is left to chance” was the quote of the day on ABC 7 News. As Search Agents, “nothing is left to chance (or the search engines...