三星One Connect Box是一個內置電視調整功能*的媒體接收器。像遊戲機和藍光播放機一樣,這個集線盒能夠連接所有的相容裝置,告別雜亂無章的電線。One Connect Box以One Connect電線連接電視螢幕。根據電視型號及出產年份,One Connect Box提供不同類型的連接端口。參考以下資訊,了解不同年份及類型的One Connect Box。
Put the One Connect Box in a different room No picture when One Connect Box is connected Other answers that might help Things to consider before mounting your Samsung TV on a wall Connect a Bluetooth device to your Samsung TV Was this content helpful?YesNo ...
Hallo Ich hab den Fernseher UE55HU8590VXZG und meine One Connect Box ist defekt . was für Möglichkeiten gibt es den Fernseher wieder zum laufen zu
在淘宝,您不仅能发现包好原装 SAMSUNG三星 BN96-35664L集线盒 ONE CONNECT BOX外接盒的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于包好原装 SAMSUNG三星 BN96-35664L集线盒 ONE CONNECT BOX外接盒的信息,请来
Ezt a problémát orvosolta a Samsung, mégpedig a One connect box személyében, véleményem szerint az egyik legjobb dolog ami egy TV-vel történhetett. Ahogy fejlődtek a TV-k és egyre okosabbak lettek és nőttek velük a hozzá csatlakoztatható eszközök száma is....
I recently just purchased a Samsung LS03D TV and when carrying the one connect box I dropped it. When I picked it up the port for connecting the wire to the screen is not seated correctly. Is there a way to get this looked at? or replaced? I have no idea what...
✨ Cable: samsung one-button cable, which can be used to connect the power supply to your computer or other devices. ✨ Perfect replacement: the good test samsung mini connect box is an ideal replacement for your old or damaged one. ✨ Super fit: samsung connect box is designed to ...
Specifications: Part Number: BN31-00036A Fan Size: 60mm x 60mm x 12mm Cable Length: 300mm Condition: New Item Classification: Brand New Boxed From Manufacturer Compatibility: Samsung One Connect Box Features: |Connect Xbox 1| **Optimized Cooling for Your Samsung TV** The Genuine for Samsung ...
On June 12, 2024 the One Connect box stopped working and two days later I initiated a support request with SamSung. I was told that because it was five days beyond the one year warranty there was nothing they could do. I asked about replacing the one connect box and was told to...
尊敬的三星用户您好:您咨询的是集线盒数据传输线,需要联系当地三星服务中心购买,查询链接如下:http://www.samsung.com/cn/support/location/supportServiceLocation.do?page=SERVICE.LOCATION 三星企业知道,为您提供优质的解决方案,用心解答您的问题,希望能够得到您的满意评价。