One City Centre has reimagined the world in our office space to nurture employees' lives, stimulate their brains, refresh their bodies, free their minds
参观泰国曼谷“市中心一号”办公写字楼YouTube-Enes Plus(2024年8月13日)房产地址:OCC - One City Centre, Ploenchit Road, Bangkok 10330 Thailand规格:61 层 4 层地下停车场 61,000 平方米(656,598 平方英尺) 837 个停车位 2.5 英亩土地房产描述:“OCC 重新构想了办公空间的世界,其中的元素有利于打造高效...
Dextra 完全拥有位于曼谷(泰国)、广州(中国)和浦那(印度)的 3 个主要工业基地的制造设施和工艺。这使我们能够完全控制我们的运营时间和所产生的解决方案的质量。 检测设施 Dextra 的曼谷主工厂设有一个独立认可的材料测试实验室,已通过 ISO-IEC17025 认证,可以对材料和产品进行测试。
One Bangkok is a mixed-use project being developed at Bangkok’s city centre in Thailand. It is expected to be the biggest and the first fully-integrated district in the country. Announced in 2017, the construction of One Bangkok commenced with the ground-breaking ceremony in March 2018. The...
BANGKOK, April 3, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- TCC Group to Build US$3.5 Billion Integrated District Called 'One Bangkok' in Bangkok City-centre
JLL has been collaborating with One Bangkok's Smart City team to help run the 'Command Centre', which will have the latest intelligent building management platforms available to real estate owners and occupiers with advanced data collection, analytics, and operational knowledge for real-time, remote...
华特萨拉登的季度酒店 4 out of 5 Bangkok City Centre 原价为每人 $1,480,现价为每人 $977 $1,480 $977 每人 2月27日 - 3月4日 20 小时前报价 包含往返直飞机票 旧金山 (SFO) to 曼谷 (BKK) 8.4/10 很好! (209 条点评) 酒店距離Saladeang大約步行8-10分鐘算可接受,房間整潔度尚可,歲月痕跡較深...
One Bangkok Location City: Bangkok, Thailand A 24-hour District Command Centre for One Bangkok Share: VIEWS: 980 Sectors: 办公空间 Services: 室内设计 Studios: 曼谷 Client: Fraser Property Certifications: Key Info Includes: A control room, a security room, an alignment room, a contact...
with architecture and tropical planting seamlessly intertwined to establish a tranquil setting in a vertical environment. An urban green park, combined with a network of pedestrian streets and alleyways, sky parks and public plazas will help to transform Bangkok’s city-centre and become a new ...
Reviews of One One Bangkok 8.1 Very good343 verified reviews Pros + Locate in the central area of City life Thonglor road Food drink hang 5 reviews Great location with outstanding 23 reviews Food was good but not 4 reviews ...