That’s a controversial question in China. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly I believe that the authorities had to do something to curb the increasing problem of overpopulation. However, I am of the opinion that the One‐Child Policy was...
What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? 参考答案 【范文1】 That’s a tough question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I think we have to have the policy in China. Our population had been growing to rapidly and some...
1974Deng Xiaoping took power in 1978:•New policies focused on strengthening China's economy•Overpopulation as block to economic developmentIn 1979, China introduced the ONE CHILD POLICY. goal: population contained within 1.2 billion by 2000.Traditional Chinese concept of fertility1.多子多福more ...
中国地独生子女政策 One-child policy in China.pptx,Exploring China’s “One-Child Policy” —--Past, Present and Future ;CHINA’S POPULATION;Population density of China & USA;In early 1950’s people were encouraged to have more children (after WWII & civi
独生子女政策(One-Child Policy)是中国政府自1979年起实施的一项人口控制政策,旨在限制每个家庭只能生育一个孩子。这一政策的出台,主要是基于当时中国面临的人口增长过快、资源短缺、环境压力等严峻问题。通过实施独生子女政策,政府希望能够有效控制人口数量,提高人口素质,促进经济社会的可持续发展。独生...
1, The aging process has been speed up because of one-child policy. It was believed that our country will become a aging society in 2020. however, our country’s statistic office find that we have become a aging society in October,1999.2, The sex ratio become bigger. The newest ratio ...
【题目】China gives up its one-child policy中国取消独生子女政策Recently the Chinese government gives upits one-child policy(政策).The news iswelcomed by millions of Chinese who werepunished in the past for having more than onechild. The new policy allows parents to have two children.The one-...
独生子女政策 One Child Policy Chinais thelargest population country in the world, which increase the difficulty todevelop china well. Consider Chinese development in the long term, some peoplepoint out that it is necessary for Chinese to carry out one child policy. However,there are opposite ...