描述RL4705 London Capital Homes欣然呈现这个位于九榀(Nine Elms)顶级开发项目内的精美两卧室两浴室公寓。该公寓位于15楼,透过宽敞的落地窗可欣赏到伦敦天际线的壮观景色,阳光使时尚的室内空间充满自然光线。 **主要特点:** - 2间宽敞的卧室,其中包括一个带套
项目园林设计包括沿河滨河绿化步道均由深圳奥雅设计团队打造,奥雅团队是金茂、阳光城、华润等很多知名房企的御用景观团队。 Sales Office of Gubei One Tel: 400-8787-554 Sales Office of Gubei Central Park One Tel: 400-8787-554 古北壹号公馆售楼处电话:400-8787-554上海闵行古北中央公园壹号公馆售楼处电话:40...
项目园林设计包括沿河滨河绿化步道均由深圳奥雅设计团队打造,奥雅团队是金茂、阳光城、华润等很多知名房企的御用景观团队。 Sales Office of Gubei One Tel: 400-8787-554 Sales Office of Gubei Central Park One Tel: 400-8787-554 古北壹号公馆售楼处电话:400-8787-554上海闵行古北中央公园壹号公馆售楼处电话:40...
Completed in 2019 in Shenzhen, China. Images by Chao Zhang. Natural and serene surroundings Situated beside Yanhan Mountain, the building is very close to nature and not far away from the city as well. It...
We started our research on the project through the “Shandong North Road Block: 10-Minute Community Life Circle Action Plan” campaign. Shandong North Road block comprises eight sections that spread out on both sides of Shandong North Road as the central axis. It was the earliest gathering area...
Trees are one of the oldest “citizens(公民)” of our Earth.They keep our air clean,reduce noise pollution,improve water quality and provide food and building materials.Just like us,trees change a lot as they grow.At 1 to 3 years old,young trees learn how to protect themselves.For ...
Central Saint Martins-Archway Campus 考文垂大学伦敦校区 纽卡斯尔大学伦敦校区 威斯敏斯特城市学院帕丁顿格林校区 伦敦城市大学 伦敦都会大学 伦敦都市大学 霍特国际商学院伦敦校区-本科生 伦敦美容学院霍克斯顿校区 创意艺术学院伦敦校区 南泰晤士学院 伦敦艺术大学伦敦时装学院Curtain Road校区 伦敦时装学院Curtain Road校区...
Design Finish Year2017 SizeSite Area: 16.70 hectaresBuilding Height: 437 metersNumber of Stories: 49Building Gross Area: 1,340,500 square meters Rooms253 Sustainability CertificationsLEED ND Platinum CollaboratorsRight Angle Studio Back to Overview ...
"Masterplan Design for Smart Sustainable Cities" with panelists including Worawat Srisa-an, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of One Bangkok; Nithi Patarachoke, President of Cement and Building Materials Business, SCG; Wannaporn Phornprapha, Managing Director of P Landscape; and Nitis Sthapitanonda, ...