22w13oneBlockAtATime(启动器内名为22w13oneblockatatime)是一个愚人节玩笑快照,也是所谓“一次一个方块(One Block at a Time)更新”的唯一一个快照,发布于2022年4月1日[1],改造了玩家的物品栏和游戏内的物品逻辑,并在此基础上重新制作了控制、挖掘、合成等游戏机制。此版本以Java版1.18.2为基础开发。
发现《Minecraft Java pre-1.6 hal1》 游戏 单机游戏 生存 生存实况 沙盒游戏 我的世界 游戏实况 我的世界:率领一百万个村民攻打末影龙,是一种什么体验? 游戏考拉官方频道 01:46 【我的世界】随机空岛生存第十六期,密码私猪给我神器吞了! 金苹果闯世界 ...
One Blockis a unique Minecraft Fabric mod where players spawn in an empty world with a single, magical block. This block respawns every time it's broken, evolving and unlocking new items as players progress through levels. Key Features: Dynamic Block: A single block that respawns upon breaking...
空岛极限生存 One Block SkyBlock 地图存档由作者“Bearico”所制作。 基岩版地图中仅使用了一个区块进行游戏,请勿擅自离开该区域。 JAVA版玩家可以推荐玩这个空岛极限生存 如果不会安装地图存档,请点击查看我的世界地图存档安装教程。 如发现网盘资源被吞,或者网盘资源不存在,请在下方评论中说明,我们将会尽快进行修复。
ONE SUSPICIOUS BLOCK • Survival Mode Version • Hardcore Mode Version • Extreme Mode Version (Hardcore with a locked nether) ENG: The map consists of brushing suspicious sand from which all blocks that exist in minecraft 1.20.4 can fall out, except those that are unobtainable in survival...
The 1.12 version is separate and does not require CompatLayer The purpose of this mod is to show on-screen information about the block you are looking at whenever you hold the probe in your hand (or off-hand). The mod itself will show basic information like the name of the block, the ...
Download the official map OneBlock for Minecraft version 1.21.4! Singleplayer & Multiplayer supported! 13 available languages! Survive on one block in an endless void!
Don't have the /onekeyminer-screen command in 1.7 and below. The block id is not subdivision, it is a whole, such as minecraft:log, not minecraft:oak_log etc. Custom Key(⚠️Singleplayer only) The mod will be activated when the custom is pressedModrinth...
For example if your tool only has 4 durability left, you will only be able to veinmine 3 Blocks. Because it stops at 1, just like Minecraft Tools behave normally. The Tool will never be destroyed, unless you try to mine a block with 1 durability, which will destroy your tool, ...
An API for dynamically handling different functional parts in the one block space. Requirements: The latest version of CCL (files.minecraftforge.net/CodeChickenLib/) Forge A scala compatible IDE and project (For eclipse, download the scala eclipse plugin and right click on the project -> Add Sc...